Yeah, certainly for Mobile clients this is true.  There are classes of clients 
(server to server implementations notably) where clientID can be a proper 
secret and be usefule for client validation.

 From: Torsten Lodderstedt <>
To: Karim <>; 
Sent: Friday, January 6, 2012 5:21 AM
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth2 security considerations for client_id


your observation is correct. OAuth security considerations recommend not to 
rely on secrets for authenticating mobile apps (aka native apps) but to manage 
them as so-called public clients. Please take a look onto section 10 of the 
core spec for further details.


Karim <> schrieb:
>When using User-agent flow with OAuth2 for mobile platform, there is no way 
>for Authorization server to authenticate the client_id of the application.
>So, anyone can impersonate my app by copying the client_id (and so get all 
>access tokens on my behalf), and this is applicable to Facebook, Foursquare,...
>This is not managed by OAuth2 ? Or I missed something ?
>For Web applications (Web server flow), access token is stored on the server 
>side, and the client is authenticated using secret key.
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