Hi Hannes-- That's kind of a cool idea. You're right that it's a "client 
account" of sorts. At least worth exploring, I'd say, unless a SCIM expert 
pipes up with a reason why not.


On 13 Apr 2012, at 7:36 AM, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:

> Hi all, 
> at the IETF#83 OAuth working group meeting we had some confusion about the 
> Dynamic Client Registration and the Simple Web Discovery item. I just 
> listened to the audio recording again. 
> With the ongoing mailing list discussion regarding WebFinger vs. Simple Web 
> Discovery I hope that folks had a chance to look at the documents again and 
> so the confusion of some got resolved.  
> I believe the proposed new charter item is sufficiently clear with regard to 
> the scope of the work. Right? 
> Here is the item again:
> "
> Jul. 2013  Submit 'OAuth Dynamic Client Registration Protocol' to the IESG 
> for consideration as a Proposed Standard
> [Starting point for the work will be 
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hardjono-oauth-dynreg
> ] 
> "
> Of course there there is a relationship between Simple Web Discovery (or 
> WebFinger) and the dynamic client registration since the client first needs 
> to discover the client registration endpoint at the authorization server 
> before interacting with it. 
> Now, one thing that just came to my mind when looking again at 
> draft-hardjono-oauth-dynreq was the following: Could the Client Registration 
> Request and Response protocol exchange could become a profile of the SCIM 
> protocol? In some sense this exchange is nothing else than provisioning an 
> account at the Authorization Server (along with some meta-data).
> Is this too far fetched? 
> Ciao
> Hannes
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