I agree with your assessment here.



On 2012-10-19, at 11:12 AM, John Bradley wrote:

> It would be nice if software signing could work, however verifying that over 
> a network connection without some sort of OS level TPM seems overly ambitious.
> We were not trying to solve that problem with connect, only find a way that 
> we could provision a secret for native apps.
> Certainly the registration token can be stolen and faked by a rogue app.  
> However with a good app it lets you get a unique client secret for the app or 
> register a public key (something perhaps useful for Proof of possession 
> tokens as well)
> For web server clients this is not a big deal because registration is a one 
> tie thing.
> For native apps on phones etc having every one with the same clientID and 
> password is not a good thing.
> John B.
> On 2012-10-19, at 2:39 PM, Phil Hunt <phil.h...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> Consider that the issues comes from 2 angles:
>> 1. The desire to distinguish between instances of a client app (e.g. on 
>> mobile phones)
>> 2. The desire for the client to register with particular instances of a 
>> resource service.
>> The objective:  to establish a unique credential that binds a particular 
>> client instance (or set of clients) with a particular resource service 
>> provider.
>> I note that, per John's suggestion, this is something like what OpenID 
>> Connect attempted to solve with their dynamic registration draft.
>> As further input, during the review of the OAuth Threat Model, there was 
>> significant inquires and discussion about how to assess the legitimacy or 
>> authenticity of a piece of client software. Though we didn't solve it, there 
>> was a lot of requests for finding a way to authenticate client software as 
>> simply being the one made by its developer.
>> Therefore, I think there is requirement to be able to authenticate software 
>> (at some level) that is part of the dynamic registration process.
>> I think there is a few of steps in dynamic registration.
>> 1. A method to authenticate the software. Is it signed by its publisher?  If 
>> the resource being accessed is developed by a single publisher, has the 
>> client been registered with the publisher? Hypothetical examples of this 
>> might be clients designed to work with MS Exchange, or Oracle CRM.
>> 2. Optionally establishing a means to distinguish one client instance from 
>> another.
>> 3. Dynamically issuing the client with a credential (which may or may not be 
>> instance specific) to use with a particular instance of a resource 
>> authorization server.
>> Regarding step 1, I note that in the case OpenID Connect, there is no single 
>> place to even register a client as there is with proprietary APIs. Not sure 
>> if software signing can work here. The same problem will emerge with any 
>> standards based API (e.g. such as SCIM).  This is why I think dynamic 
>> registration is of broad interest in the standards community beyond just 
>> OpenID.
>> Phil
>> @independentid
>> www.independentid.com
>> phil.h...@oracle.com
>> On 2012-10-19, at 9:40 AM, George Fletcher wrote:
>>> I think it's an interesting idea... I'm just not sure how to tie the 
>>> dynamic client registration to a verified user email address. To get a 
>>> verified email address, most OAuth2 flows require the client_id to be 
>>> already provisioned. 
>>> I do agree that from the AS/OP perspective, we don't want to allow 
>>> unlimited client registrations. This could be it's own form of DoS attack. 
>>> I suppose if the client has a verifiable token containing the user 
>>> attributes, that could be passed optionally to the dynamic client 
>>> registration flow. How the client got the verifiable token could be left 
>>> out of scope.
>>> There are probably other ways to protect against abuse and they will likely 
>>> be different from OP to OP for a while, until some best practices are 
>>> established.
>>> Thanks,
>>> George
>>> On 10/19/12 12:00 PM, Pedro Felix wrote:
>>>> And what if the client instance is also connected to some verifiable user 
>>>> attribute, such as an email?
>>>> Is this a bad idea?
>>>> Pedro
>>>> On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 4:24 PM, John Bradley <ve7...@ve7jtb.com> wrote:
>>>> The client instance registration was something that we discussed and put 
>>>> into the openID Connect dynamic client registration but has not yet been 
>>>> put back into the UMA draft.
>>>> http://openid.bitbucket.org/openid-connect-registration-1_0.html
>>>> The basic idea is that you can bake a access token into client code and 
>>>> that client then uses that to get a unique clientID and secret/register 
>>>> public key.
>>>> There was a long discussion about this at a IIW about a year ago.   
>>>> In some of the native apps projects I am looking at that are not openID 
>>>> connect related we are looking at doing the same thing to differentiate 
>>>> instances of clients.
>>>> John B.
>>>> On 2012-10-19, at 11:47 AM, Pedro Felix <pmhsfe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the response.
>>>>> I know that this area is work in progress. However, I've looked into 
>>>>> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-dyn-reg-00 and didn't found 
>>>>> much about this subject.
>>>>> What is the best place to follow this discussion? This mailing list?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Pedro
>>>>> On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 5:59 PM, Phil Hunt <phil.h...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>> Pedro,
>>>>> AFAIK this is still a TODO within the current charter.
>>>>> Phil
>>>>> @independentid
>>>>> www.independentid.com
>>>>> phil.h...@oracle.com
>>>>> On 2012-10-18, at 9:06 AM, Pedro Felix wrote:
>>>>> > Hi,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Where can I find more information about the dynamic registration of 
>>>>> > client application instances?
>>>>> > The idea is that each installed application instance has a different 
>>>>> > id, eventually related to the "general" application id.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > It also would be interesting if this instance id was the result of an 
>>>>> > activation process, where the instance is attached to a device or to an 
>>>>> > user (e.g. confimed email address).
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Thanks
>>>>> > Pedro
>>>>> >
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