One thing I'd like us to explicitly consider is to take JWT and the JWT 
Assertion Profile to working group last call.  That would make particular sense 
if the JOSE WG also takes the JOSE specs to WGLC at the same time, which I'm 
asking them to consider doing in Atlanta.

                                Best wishes,
                                -- Mike

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Hannes Tschofenig
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 1:04 AM
To: WG
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Agenda for Atlanta Meeting

Hi all, 

here is an agenda proposal for the Atlanta IETF meeting: 
(The indicated names are proposals.)


1. Status Update, Agenda Bashing (Chairs) 2. Token Revocation (Thorsten) 3. 
Assertions (Brian + Mike) 4. OAuth Use Cases (Zachary) 5. JWT (Mike) 6. 
Security (Phil) 7. Dynamic Client Registration (Thomas) 8. Roadmap

In the last item we would like to discuss the bigger picture of how to get 
OAuth 2.0 deployment improved. There are at least 2 parts to this, namely (a) 
what other specifications do we need to work on, and (b) how do we improve 

Let us know whether you think that this fits your needs. 

Hannes & Derek

PS: I am hoping to see daft updates of the WG items soon. 

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