Hi Brian,

Right ... so I suppose looking at that diagram without the background text 
would have been a bit odd :)

In my use case I have an OAuth client that is going to request many access 
tokens, for many different resource servers.  All of these resources servers 
will be protected by the same AS.

(I think this is similar to Google's OAuth in that they have many APIs served 
by many resource servers, which all use the same OAuth authorization endpoint).

My client *could* ask for an access token with enough scopes to cover all the 
resource server APIs (again, similar for example to the Google OAuth 
playground), but this does not meet the assurance levels of my use cases.  RS1 
has no business possessing an AT that could be used to access protected 
resources at AS2 and AS2 has no business having the same AT that would allow it 
access protected resource at AS3, and so on.

I have toyed around with the idea making an initial OAuth request with an 
uber-scope, and then using the refresh token to obtain the down-scoped access 
tokens and sending those down-scoped access tokens to the RS's.  But the 
problem I'm running into with this is that my client may not know a priori all 
the RS's it's going to need access tokens for.

So the JWT assertion flow began to look nearly perfect to me.  If you look at 
the diagram again, it should look (very) familiar to something we all grew up 
with: Kerberos!  The first exchange is to obtain the TGT, and the subsequent 
exchange uses the TGT to get a service ticket.  So using this analogy:

Kerberos TGT = JWT assertion
Kerberos TGS = access token

I can use the JWT assertion obtained in step 1 to request access tokens on the 
fly for resource servers at the client needs to access them, just as the TGT is 
used to obtain the TGS on-demand.

I think this is totally within the realm of reason.  We will likely prototype 
this idea very early next year (Jan/Feb).


From: Brian Campbell [mailto:bcampb...@pingidentity.com]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 3:14 PM
To: Lewis Adam-CAL022
Cc: oauth@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Using structured access_token as grant type in 
assertion flow

Maybe I'm missing the bigger picture but, if your going back to the same AS 
like the diagram shows, why not just request the xyz scope in the initial 
request and cut out the middle steps?

More generally I can say I've thought about these kinds of token exchange cases 
and they should be possible in theory. In practice I expect getting everything 
to work and validate correctly with respect to scopes and audience values might 
be a little tricky.

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 7:34 AM, Lewis Adam-CAL022 

I continue to have an interest in the OAuth assertion profiles for my use 
cases.  I'm wondering if the idea of performing a first OAuth dance which 
returns to the client a structured JWT access token (with scope=AS for example) 
could then be used as the JWT in an assertion grant type?  So something like 
this (I show the RO credential flow since it is the simplest to draw, but same 
idea for the code flow):

Client          AS
|                       |
|---------------->| (authorization request scope=AS, grant_type=RO password 
|                       |
|<----------------| (token response with access_token scoped to AS)
|                       |
|---------------->| (authorization request, scope=xyz, grant_type=JWT assertion 
as obtained from previous step)
|                       |
|<----------------| (token response with access token scoped to xyz)

I suppose there is nothing in theory which should prevent this, but I am 
wondering if anybody else has thought of such a usage.

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