As a simplifying option... why not just require human-readable fields to require a "script-tag". This way it is always explicit what language/locale the text is for. It then becomes the responsibility of the AS to return an appropriate response if there is not a direct match between a request and the data stored at the AS (and out of scope of the spec).


On 3/13/13 10:22 AM, Justin Richer wrote:
So with what little feedback I've gotten, I'm proposing to add text from the proposed webfinger and OIDC drafts for the hash-based localization of strings, with the following properties:

* All localized versions of fields are fully optional on both client and server * If a localized version of a field is included, its bare-value (perhaps internationalized) field MUST be included * All human-readable fields are eligible for this mechanism (including any uri's for user-facing web pages, which can be used to point to language-specific pages) * Clients and servers can decide to use whatever language/script they want to for the bare-value field, and no assumptions can be made on either side about what that is

I think that with these constraints, we can add functionality to address Stephen's concerns without getting too complicated or putting too much burden of support.

 -- Justin

On 03/11/2013 06:52 PM, Nat Sakimura wrote:
Similar work is in progress at Webfinger.


Paul is proposing the same syntax as Connect.

2013/3/12 Richer, Justin P. < <>>

    It does presume a definition of "claim", which I suppose we could
    turn to "metadata field" for DynReg and its extensions to be
    appropriately limiting. But we also need a good definition of
    what a language-tag-less field means, and whether or not it's
    required if the other fields are present or not (which is
    something that Connect is trying to fix at the moment, as I
    recall from last week).

    So it turns into about a paragraph worth of text. Is that worth
    it? I'm not entirely convinced that it is, but I'm interested to
    hear what others think, particularly those who *aren't* tied into
    the OpenID Connect protocol so much. (I don't want to pick a
    solution just because it's familiar, if we need a solution at all.)

     -- Justin

    On Mar 11, 2013, at 6:35 PM, Brian Campbell
    < <>>

    A fair question but what would need to be pulled in is really
    probably only a couple sentences (and reference) from
    (note the reference to inside
    is broken)

    On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 6:26 PM, Richer, Justin P.
    < <>> wrote:

        My concern with this is that OIDC can get away with defining
        this multi-language structure because it defines the
        mechanism once (in Messages) and applies it to all
        user-readable strings throughout the whole application
        protocol, of which there are several. Do we really want to
        pull in that whole structure and mechanism for one field in
        client registration? I really don't think it should be
        something that's defined completely inside of DynReg for a
        corner case for a single field, but I also doubt we want to
        normatively point to OIDC Messages for this solution either.

        There are also other ways to do this: Webfinger [1] for
        instance uses JSON structures to give language tags to field
        values, and has a default mechanism:

           { "en_us": "my client", ... }

        The fundamental question is  this: should a client be able
        to register multiple names (in different locales) with a
        single client_id, or should it get a different client_id for
        each display language set?

         -- Justin


        On Mar 11, 2013, at 5:54 PM, John Bradley <

        That is what I was thinking.   It would be up to the AS to
        determine what language and script to present based on the
        user preference.

        While a large number of clients will be native and might be
        able to customize themselves for a single user during
        registration , we don't want to forget the web server
        clients that are multi user.

        On 2013-03-11, at 10:49 PM, Brian Campbell
        <>> wrote:

        FWIW, the closely related OpenID Connect client
        registration draft does have some support for doing this,
        which could maybe be borrowed. See client_name in ยง2 at
        and the examples.

            "client_name": "My Example",

        On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 5:15 PM, Richer, Justin P.
        < <>> wrote:

            It was brought up at the in-person meeting today that
            we'll want to consider issues around
            internationalization and localization of
            human-readable fields like client_name in the client
            registration. Which is to say: if a client supports
            ten languages and wants to present itself in ten
            languages, should it have to register itself ten times
            with an AS?

            At the moment, I'm of the opinion a client with ten
            languages could register itself ten times, or do
            something with the context in which it runs to
            determine which human-facing language to use. Keep in
            mind that in some cases (such as native clients),
            you'll be dynamically registering a client for each
            user, in effect. In other words, I personally think
            that this is a rathole that will cause more harm than

             -- Justin
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