In draft -18, we clarified the optionality of the client metadata parameters in 
ยง 2 with new text, including the sentences:

The implementation and use of all client metadata fields is OPTIONAL, other 
than "redirect_uris".

redirect_uris (...) Authorization servers MUST implement support for this 
metadata value.

However, since OAuth core defines two non-redirect flows (client credentials 
and password) and we're about to publish another one (assertions), I suggest 
that we adopt the following clarification:

The implementation and use of all client metadata fields is OPTIONAL, other 
than "redirect_uris"

which is REQUIRED for authorization servers that support redirect-based grant 

Authorization servers that support dynamic registration of clients using 

grant types MUST implement support for this metadata value.

I think this language brings the requirement more in line with the intent and 
would like comment from the WG.

 -- Justin
OAuth mailing list

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