> On Jan 21, 2016, at 2:50 PM, John Bradley <ve7...@ve7jtb.com> wrote:
> In that case you probably would put a hash of the state in the code to manage 
> size.  The alg would be up to the AS, as long as it used the same hash both 
> places it would work.
Yes, true. 
> Sending the state to the token endpoint is like having nonce and c_hash in 
> the id_token, it binds the issued code to the browser instance.
I think I understand what you are saying. Someone won’t be able to frankenstein 
up a state and a token from two different responses from an AS, and have a 
client successfully fetch an access token based on the amalgamation.
> This protects against codes that leak via redirect uri pattern matching. 
> failures etc.  It prevents an attacker from being able to replay a code from 
> a different browser.
Yes, if a party intercepts the redirect_url, or the AS fails to enforce one 
time use (which even for a compliant implementation could just mean the 
attacker was faster than the state propagated within the AS)

Makes sense. Thanks John.


> If the client implements the other mitigations on the authorization endpoint, 
> then it wouldn't be leaking the code via the token endpoint. 
> The two mitigations are for different attacks, however some of the attacks 
> combined both vulnerabilities.
> Sending the iss and client_id is enough to stop the confused client attacks, 
> but sending state on its own would not have stopped all of them.
> We discussed having them in separate drafts, and may still do that.   However 
> for discussion having them in one document is I think better in the short run.
> John B.
>> On Jan 21, 2016, at 4:48 PM, David Waite <da...@alkaline-solutions.com 
>> <mailto:da...@alkaline-solutions.com>> wrote:
>> Question: 
>> I understand how “iss" helps mitigate this attack (client knows response was 
>> from the appropriate issuer and not an attack where the request was answered 
>> by another issuer). 
>> However, how does passing “state” on the authorization_code grant token 
>> request help once you have the above in place? Is this against some 
>> alternate flow of this attack I don’t see, or is it meant to mitigate some 
>> entirely separate attack?
>> If one is attempting to work statelessly (e.g. your “state” parameter is 
>> actual state and not just a randomly generated value), a client would have 
>> always needed some way to differentiate which issuer the authorization_code 
>> grant token request would be sent to.
>> However, if an AS was treating “code” as a token (for instance, encoding: 
>> client, user, consent time and approved scopes), the AS now has to include 
>> the client’s state as well. This would effectively double (likely more with 
>> encoding) the state sent in the authorization response back to the client 
>> redirect URL, adding more pressure against maximum URL sizes.
>> -DW
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