With the process of immediate wglc I think we should review all documents more 
thoroughly before adoption. 

As I said I support the work. 


> On Apr 6, 2016, at 16:02, Hannes Tschofenig <hannes.tschofe...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Phil,
> we have discussed this concept already for years. In fact, it dates back
> to the days of the OAuth base specification and the security
> consideration section even talks about it.
> We have had the content of this in the PoP key distribution draft and we
> are now moving it into a separate document.
> I am not sure how much longer you want to discuss it.
> Ciao
> Hannes
>> On 04/06/2016 08:07 PM, Phil Hunt (IDM) wrote:
>> I would like to have more discussion before wg adoption. 
>> I support the work and am willing to help. 
>> Phil
>>> On Apr 6, 2016, at 14:25, Hannes Tschofenig <hannes.tschofe...@gmx.net> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> this is the call for adoption of 'Resource Indicators for OAuth 2.0', see
>>> http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-campbell-oauth-resource-indicators/
>>> Please let us know by April 20th whether you accept / object to the
>>> adoption of this document as a starting point for work in the OAuth
>>> working group.
>>> Note: If you already stated your opinion at the IETF meeting in Buenos
>>> Aires then you don't need to re-state your opinion, if you want.
>>> The feedback at the BA IETF meeting was the following: ~10 persons
>>> for accepting the document and 0 persons against.
>>> Ciao
>>> Hannes & Derek
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