Hello everybody,

Since I am not present at the meeting, I read the minutes from the first session, in particular:

   Brian Campbell and John did a draft allowing the client to tell the
   AS where it plans to use the token

                  This enables the AS to audience restrict the access
   token to the resource
                  Phil Hunt:  We should keep the audience restriction
   idea on the table

The introduction contains the following sentences:

   Several years of deployment and implementation experience with OAuth
   2.0 [RFC6749] has uncovered a need, in some circumstances,
   for the client to explicitly signal to the authorization sever where
   it intends to use the access token it is requesting.

   A means for the client to signal to the authorization sever where it
   intends to use the access token it's requesting is important and

The document contains a "security considerations" section but unfortunately no "privacy considerations" section.

Clause 2 states:

   The client may indicate the resource server(s) for which it is
   requesting an access token by including the
   following parameter in the request.


   OPTIONAL. The value of the resource parameter indicates a resource
   server where the requested
   access token will be used.*It MUST be an absolute URI*, as specified
   by Section 4.3 of[RFC3986],

With such an approach, the authorization server would have the ability to *act as a Big Brother *and hence to know exactly
where the user will be performing activities.

However, some users might be concerned with their privacy, and would like to restrict the use of the access token to some resource servers without the authorization server knowing which are these resource servers.

The key point is whether the information is primarily intended to the authorization server or to the resource server(s).

I believe that it is primarily intended to the resource server(s) rather than to the authorization server in order to be included in an access token. Obviously, the information needs to transit through the authorization sever, that should simply be copied and pasted into the access token. Its semantics, if any, does not necessarily needs to be interpreted by the authorization sever.

I believe that a "privacy considerations" section should be added.

The sentence "*It MUST be an absolute URI*, as specified by Section 4.3 of [RFC3986]" should be removed or replaced by : "*It MAY be an absolute URI*, as specified by Section 4.3 of [RFC3986]".

Obviously, other changes would be necessary too.


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