Hi Torsten,

As we briefly spoke about earlier, "3.8.1. Authorization Server as Open 
Redirector" could I think be made more explicit.

Currently it explicitly mentions the invalid_request and invalid_scope errors 
must not redirect back to the client's registered redirect uri.

https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section- defines several more 
potential errors that appear to fall into the same category. I understand to 
block the attack fully we need 'must not redirect's for all the kinds of error 
that could cause an automatic redirect back to the client's registered redirect 
uri without any user interaction - 'unauthorized_client' and 
'unsupported_response_type' seem to fall into that category. 'server_error' 
also seems dodgy (I would wager that on some servers that are known ways to 
provoke server errors), and I would have doubts about 'temporarily_unavailable' 



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