I read through this doc and would like to share a bit of feedback in
hopes that it helps:

* There is no mention of Content Security Policy (CSP). This is a very
helpful security mechanism that all OAuth servers and web-based
clients should implement. I think this needs to be addressed in this
    - No mention of frame breaking scripts for non-CSP aware user agents
    -  No mention of X-Frame-Options
* There's no mention of HSTS which all OAuth servers and web-based
client should implement (or the reverse proxies in front of them
* The examples only use 302 and don't mention that 303 is safer[1]
   - Despite what it says in section 1.7 of RFC 6749, many people
think that a 302 is mandated by OAuth. It would be good to recommend a
303 and use examples with other status codes.
* 3.3.1 refers to client.com in the example. This is a real domain.
Suggest client.example.com instead. Same issue in 3.1.2 where
client.evil.com is used
* 3.1.3 (proposed countermeasures) - native clients that use a web
server with a dynamic port should use dynamic client registration and
dynamic client management rather than allowing wildcards on the port
matching of the OAuth server.
* 3.8.1 says "Therefore this draft recommends that every invalid
authorization request MUST NOT automatically redirect the user agent
to the client's redirect URI" -- This is gonna break a lot of stuff
including other specs! I don't think that's warranted, and I am not
looking forward to the fallout this could cause.

Anyway, my $0.02. Hope it helps.

[1] https://arxiv.org/pdf/1601.01229v2.pdf

On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 11:16 PM, Joseph Heenan <jos...@authlete.com> wrote:
> Hi Torsten,
> As we briefly spoke about earlier, "3.8.1. Authorization Server as Open
> Redirector" could I think be made more explicit.
> Currently it explicitly mentions the invalid_request and invalid_scope
> errors must not redirect back to the client's registered redirect uri.
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section- defines several more
> potential errors that appear to fall into the same category. I understand to
> block the attack fully we need 'must not redirect's for all the kinds of
> error that could cause an automatic redirect back to the client's registered
> redirect uri without any user interaction - 'unauthorized_client' and
> 'unsupported_response_type' seem to fall into that category. 'server_error'
> also seems dodgy (I would wager that on some servers that are known ways to
> provoke server errors), and I would have doubts about
> 'temporarily_unavailable' too.
> Thanks
> Joseph
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