Hi Samuel,

Thanks for the reply, I would definitely be interested in an updated draft.
Both the signing spec and the canonicalization spec seem a lot simpler than
It wouldn't be hard to add cleartext-jws signatures to existing JSON APIs



On Tue, 4 Sep 2018 at 23:33, Samuel Erdtman <sam...@erdtman.se> wrote:

> Hi
> As one of the authors of draft-erdtman-jose-cleartext-jws I definitely
> think this is the way to go. The initial use case was to sign transaction
> requests and responses, and as was mentioned in previous emails it is very
> much desirable to not obfuscate the payload with base64 encoding.
> The current draft just expired but if we have found interest I would be
> more than willing to post an update. I was supposed to do so earlier but
> since it has been hard to find a home for the work (an interested WG) it
> has not be top of my proirity list.
> With the potential update we (I and the co authors) intended to do some
> cleanup and one significant change. We think we should move from ES6
> serialization to canonicalization based on
> draft-rundgren-json-canonicalization-scheme
> <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-rundgren-json-canonicalization-scheme-01>.
> After a lot of research and emails we have come to the conclusion that it
> would be easier to get buy in for this method than to get languages to
> support ES6 compatible serialization.
> draft-rundgren-json-canonicalization-scheme has the additional benefit that
> non-intrusive modifications such as attribute reordering would not make
> ruin this signature which was the case with ES6 serialization (and we could
> avoid some minor ES6 quirks).
> Implementations for the draft-rundgren-json-canonicalization-scheme
> canonicalization schema is available in JavaScript
> <https://www.npmjs.com/package/canonicalize>, .NET
> <https://github.com/cyberphone/json-canonicalization/tree/master/dotnet>, Java
> <https://search.maven.org/artifact/io.github.erdtman/java-json-canonicalization/1.1/jar>,
> and Python
> <https://github.com/cyberphone/json-canonicalization/tree/master/python3>.
> Anders is currently putting a lot of effort into the canonicalization to
> make sure it is stable, and it has been reviewed by several people
> knowledgeable in JSON.
> When it comes to draft-erdtman-jose-cleartext-jws implementations, I have
> done one in JavaScript (I modified an existing JOSE implementation in a few
> hours) and Anders has done a Java implementation (at least). The examples
> in the specification was created and validated with different
> implementations.
> I know canonicalization is a scary thing if you have worked with
> canonicalization of XML, but I can tell you canonicalization of JSON is not
> even close to that complex.
> Best regards
> //Samuel Erdtman
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