On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 07:08:25PM +0200, Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:
> Hi Sascha,
> I see. I assume every element within the structured scope element to be an 
> independent scope (value) object and intended to use the name of that object 
> as kind of content type definition. 
> In my last example, the scope is defined as 
>    "structured_scope":{  
>       "sign":{  
>          "credentialID":"qes_eidas",
>          "documentDigests":[  
>             {  
>                "hash":
>                  "sTOgwOm+474gFj0q0x1iSNspKqbcse4IeiqlDg/HWuI=",
>                "label":"Mobile Subscription Contract"
>             }
>          ],
>          "hashAlgorithmOID":"2.16.840."
>       },
>       "payment":{  
>          "type":"sepa-credit-transfer",
>          "instructedAmount":{  
>             "currency":"EUR",
>             "amount":"123.50"
>          },
>          "debtorAccount":{  
>             "iban":"DE40100100103307118608"
>          },
>          "creditorName":"Merchant123",
>          "creditorAccount":{  
>             "iban":"DE02100100109307118603"
>          },
>          "remittanceInformationUnstructured":"new Smartphone"
>       }
> This means “sign" and “payment" would determine the scheme of the respective 
> object. 
> What do you think?

I think it reminds me of why draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-bcp recommends using the
"typ" header, and all the reasoning we have to do about different types of
tokens (not) being replayable at a different endpoint and being interpreted


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