> Yeah, with query parameters lacking the hierarchical semantics that the path 
> component has, it is much less clear. In fact, an earlier revision of the 
> draft forbid the query part as I was trying to avoid the ambiguity that it 
> brings. But there were enough folks with some use case for it that it made 
> its way back in. While I am sympathetic to the point you're making here, I'd 
> prefer to not codify the practice any further by way of example in the 
> document.

Is it perhaps reasonable to discourage the use of a query component
while still allowing it?  Maybe a "SHOULD NOT", such as this?:

      Its value MUST be an absolute URI, as specified by
      Section 4.3 of [RFC3986], which MAY include a query component but
      MUST NOT include a fragment component.
      Its value MUST be an absolute URI, as specified by
      Section 4.3 of [RFC3986].  The URI MUST NOT include
      a fragment component.  It SHOULD NOT include a query
      component, but it is recognized that there are cases that
      make a query component useful.

What do you think?


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