I haven't seen any OAuth drafts that talk about sending OAuth access tokens
in HTTP cookies. OAuth 2.1 isn't supposed to add new features that don't
already exist, but this sounds like a good candidate to develop as an OAuth

Aaron Parecki

On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 9:35 AM Jim Manico <j...@manicode.com> wrote:

> In a browser, HTTPOnly cookies are the *only* location where an access
> (or other) token can be stored in a way where it *cannot be stolen from
> XSS*.
> It's a very strong place to store tokens from a security point of view.
> Cookie storage of tokens does leave one open to CSRF attacks so it's
> certainly a trade-off. But CSRF is much easier to defense against that XSS
> and cookies are a better choice if the specific risk of having tokens
> stolen via XSS matters to your threat model.
> - Jim
> On 7/30/20 11:43 AM, Warren Parad wrote:
> https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-1-00.html#name-bearer-tokens
> It seems recently more and more common to pass the access_token to some RS
> via a cookie, yet 7.2.1 says it defines two methods. I think we need some
> RFC2119 <https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-parecki-oauth-v2-1-03.html#RFC2119> 
> keywords
> here, to suggest that either SHOULD use one of these two, or MUST. And then
> optionally state whether or not we recommend or reject the use of cookies
> as a place for access tokens. It's also possible that the language threw me
> off, because would an access token in a cookie be a bearer token, but no
> matter, if I'm having this thought, then surely others have it as well,
> right?
> [image: image.png]
> Warren Parad
> Founder, CTO
> Secure your user data and complete your authorization architecture.
> Implement Authress <https://bit.ly/37SSO1p>.
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> Jim Manico
> Manicode Securityhttps://www.manicode.com
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