Hi Warren, thanks for the thoughtful comments.

  *   . It introduces a pseudo AS-like proxy which now has all the requirements 
of an AS and more. While AS SDKs provide easy ways for client UIs to 
effectively deal with communication via the AS, there's no way for the AS to 
provide standard AS specific services prototypes to support BFF. That means 
that everyone is writing their own BFF AS-proxy.
TMI-BFF does provide a sort of proxy for the AS, but it is very constrained 
both in functionality (only one simple request type) and topology (only one 
requestor type, with assumptions about sessions, origin provenance etc) hence 
the requirements are a very limited subset of a full blown AS.
In terms of everyone doing their own implementation, the intent here is the 
exact opposite. By providing guidance on how to format requests/responses and 
what endpoints to refer to, the implementation details can be factored out from 
individual apps and stacks, facilitating interoperability.

  *   [..] Which isn't ever justified, but even if we accept that as a true 
premise, what are these AS doing that even require a BFF?
I am not sure how to interpret the statement about “ever justified”. This has 
little to do with the authorization server. Not every application can have a 
backend that exposes a façade replicating all the APIs the frontend need to 
invoke, for all sorts of reasons: maintenance, performance, skills of the 
developers involved, capabilities of the stacks of choice, and so on. This 
isn’t theoretical, I had this discussions many times with prospects and 

  *   Hypothetically you could argue that the auth code flow requires a BFF and 
that's required for user login since implicit flow no longer exists, but that 
isn't true. You can use client side PKCE for validation of these via not 
requiring the client secret in the front end, and then the problem there is 
In concrete terms, things are a bit more complicated than “a grant for SPAs 
already exist”. I am well aware that code+PKCE is a viable solution for SPAs to 
get access tokens, however that has its own challenges. For example, if you 
want to use refresh tokens in it, you need to sender constrain them or support 
refresh token rotation. If you check the current situation across the industry, 
you’ll see that very few SDKs actually do support rotation or sender constraint 
today- arguably introducing a new security issue. And of course, there’s the 
huge debacle about saving tokens in local storage- something that many 
applications need to do in order to offer the experience their customers 
If a SPA app does not have a backend, code+PKCE is the only game in town. If it 
has a backend AND can leave all actual API calls to it, there’s no need to get 
tokens in the user agent.
But if you are in one situation where you do have a backend and cannot delegate 
API calls (see my preceding comment), then TMI-BFF can get tokens to your 
frontend without requiring complex javascript logic, without having to persist 
anything in local storage and without requiring the AS to support rotation or 
sender constraint. As long as the traffic with bff-token proxy is hardened, I 
would argue TMI-BFF might actually be easier to implement securely that 
code+PKCE+rotation/SC. Having access tokens in the frontend remains not great, 
but it seems that giving people who would do it anyway some guidance is better 
than leaving them at their own device- unless we conclude that this flow cannot 
be secured, in which case I agree we should explicitly idnciate this as anti 
pattern. But so far, it seems still to be demosntrated.

  *   There was also the argument of there are lots of people doing this, which 
is always a terrible argument, but even if we do permit that in the discussion, 
we still need to answer the why. Why are developers creating BFF for their 
frontends to communicate with an AS. Is it because AS are terrible, is it 
because front ends as a service are terrible, etc... Until we know why this is 
happening concretely, I don't think we should encourage further use of a 
pattern rife with potential security risks by telling everyone how you can do 
it (because the guidance we are offering doesn't even slightly increase safety).
The preceding comments should have shed more light about the why, and on some 
of the security concerns (there was one concern raised by Neil, and it seems 
there are possible mitigations in place) plus how this might actually increase 
safety in some aspects. But to add more color, one of the other reasons for 
which this is happening is because it’s simple. Backend OAUth/OIDC SDKs like 
middlewares and similar are very mature at this point, and they aren’t saddled 
by a lot of the complexity and uncertainly that browser based SDKs carry. 
Things like IE zones, ITP, SameSite and our own changing guidance (for good 
reasons) plus disomogeneous support from providers of the features required for 
the latest guidance create uncertainty and complexity that many non-initiated 
won’t put up with. Add to this that the more app development moves to the 
frontend, the more you don’t get full stack developers and getting a frontend 
developer to deal with all those quirks is hard. Getting tokens thru well 
supported middlewares and forward them to the frontend is simple.
Also, to be clear. This exact topology has been considered discussed in the 
past during IETF meetings, in Montreal we had a discussion about including it 
in some BCP and whether we should have a mechanism for the client to signal to 
the AS that the tokens will be used by code executing in a weaker security 
context (user agent) than the requestor’s (confidential client on backed). I am 
sure we can find the minutes of that. This isn’t something completely left 

  *   Further, even if we were to accept this pattern and want to create a 
standard around it, we are effectively creating an AS proxy here, which means 
we should require it to act like an AS, and delegate the specification of 
resources, endpoints, terminology, and patterns to existing or future AS 
related RFCs.
I don’t believe that the scope of the proposal warrants doing al that. Could 
you point at the area in the spec that suggest we’d need to add anything beyond 
what’s suggested at the moment to achieve the stated goals?

  *   And therefore in conclusion we should focus only on the aspects that are 
absolutely required which aren't already present in some form in existing AS 
related RFCs, but what are those?
I am still missing how this has to do with missing AS functionality. One of the 
things we tried to do was not to require any change to the AS. The problem 
being solved here is how to allow javascript developers to call API directly 
from their frontend when they have a backend with basic oauth capabilities at 
their disposal, in the simplest possible way. Changes in the AS doen’t appear 
to be necessary there

  *   The one counterpoint to all of this is the potential introduction of 
domain specific cookie language (which doesn't exist in the current draft). 
Concretely, let's add a response_type=cookie, to AS to support domain 
first-party cookies and session management.
Could you expand on how you envision this would work/solve the problems 
described above?

From: Warren Parad <wparad=40rhosys...@dmarc.ietf.org>
Date: Sunday, February 14, 2021 at 01:51
To: Neil Madden <neil.mad...@forgerock.com>
Cc: Vittorio Bertocci <vittorio.berto...@auth0.com>, oauth <oauth@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Token Mediating and session Information Backend For 
Frontend (TMI BFF)

I also flat out reject the premise of this draft. It introduces a pseudo 
AS-like proxy which now has all the requirements of an AS and more. While AS 
SDKs provide easy ways for client UIs to effectively deal with communication 
via the AS, there's no way for the AS to provide standard AS specific services 
prototypes to support BFF. That means that everyone is writing their own BFF 

Additionally, I too am lacking the clarity on the WHY. The only thing mentioned 
in the draft is
That approach is not always viable, as in the absence of reverse proxy 
deployments the creation and maintenance of a facade for multiple APIs can be 
Which isn't ever justified, but even if we accept that as a true premise, what 
are these AS doing that even require a BFF?

Hypothetically you could argue that the auth code flow requires a BFF and 
that's required for user login since implicit flow no longer exists, but that 
isn't true. You can use client side PKCE for validation of these via not 
requiring the client secret in the front end, and then the problem there is 
solved. And if you argue that this can't be done, then the solution is 
introducing a better way to handle this so that a BFF for AS flows don't have 
to exist.

So what concrete problem is this solving?

There was also the argument of there are lots of people doing this, which is 
always a terrible argument, but even if we do permit that in the discussion, we 
still need to answer the why. Why are developers creating BFF for their 
frontends to communicate with an AS. Is it because AS are terrible, is it 
because front ends as a service are terrible, etc... Until we know why this is 
happening concretely, I don't think we should encourage further use of a 
pattern rife with potential security risks by telling everyone how you can do 
it (because the guidance we are offering doesn't even slightly increase safety).

Further, even if we were to accept this pattern and want to create a standard 
around it, we are effectively creating an AS proxy here, which means we should 
require it to act like an AS, and delegate the specification of resources, 
endpoints, terminology, and patterns to existing or future AS related RFCs. (We 
already have a problem with the current draft as it attempts to redefine and 
introduce new terms/patterns that have the same functionality as existing ones 
in the AS, yet fail to capture the full importance of the original RFCs. This 
is bad duplication). And therefore in conclusion we should focus only on the 
aspects that are absolutely required which aren't already present in some form 
in existing AS related RFCs, but what are those?

The one counterpoint to all of this is the potential introduction of domain 
specific cookie language (which doesn't exist in the current draft). 
Concretely, let's add a response_type=cookie, to AS to support domain 
first-party cookies and session management. When we built our AS we explicitly 
added this so that services can use the JWT found in the HttpOnly 
SameSite=Strict cookie as a security measure against XSS attacks that attempt 
to exfiltrate access tokens. That's a potential suggestion I would favor, 
although I still can't know if that solves the problem being presented in the 

- Warren

[Image removed by sender.]

Warren Parad

Founder, CTO
Secure your user data and complete your authorization architecture. Implement 

On Sun, Feb 14, 2021 at 9:18 AM Neil Madden 
<neil.mad...@forgerock.com<mailto:neil.mad...@forgerock.com>> wrote:
I have a lot of security concerns about this draft.

The draft alludes to security issues associated with handling access tokens in 
the frontend but never really spells them out. >From the Security 
Considerations it seems that the primary concern is with theft of access tokens 
from local storage. To do this you’d need an XSS attack. But in that case, 
wouldn’t the attacker simply use the XSS to make a call to the bff-token 
endpoint instead?

The combination of the bff-token endpoint recommending the use of GET requests 
together with the hint to use cookie-based authentication is likely going to 
punch a hole in most CSRF defenses, which assume that GETs are safe. The only 
thing preventing this being exploitable is Cross-Origin Read Blocking 
 due to the JSON content-type. That makes me really nervous. We should at least 
mandate X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff on that response. I’d feel more 
comfortable if this was a POST request only.

As Stoycho Sleptsov mentioned in the other email, the lack of front-channel 
communication between the AS and the RO seems odd. If the backend is already 
implicitly trusted then couldn’t you skip OAuth and just get the backend to 
issue short-lived JWTs to the frontend that it can use for API access?

If you want to allow auth code flow etc then perhaps the bff-token endpoint can 
return a standard error code with an authorization endpoint URI that the SPA 
then navigates the user to. (Eg the backend can do a PAR request first and 
return a URI that references that so that authorization details aren’t passed 
through the frontend).

— Neil

On 12 Feb 2021, at 20:46, Vittorio Bertocci 
Dear all,
Brian and yours truly are proposing a new specification that shows how the user 
agent frontend of a web app can delegate token acquisition and persistence to 
its backend, and request such tokens when needed for direct access of protected 
resources from the frontend code.

The pattern is already in use, in proprietary form, by various modern 
development stacks, such as Next.JS. Variants of the pattern, often discussed 
under the catch-all term BFF (backend for frontend), have been often mentioned 
in this workgroup’s activity, but always left all implementation details to the 
We believe the pattern has merit, as corroborated by its growing adoption. By 
delegating access token acquisition to the backend, we avoid many of the often 
brittle moving parts (and implied attack surface) required to acquire access 
tokens from a user agent. The topology also relieves the frontend from the need 
of persisting tokens in local storage, a well known sore point of using OAuth 
directly in JavaScript, by relying on its backend storage and session to 
preserve tokens.

Although the specification is very simple, providing explicit guidance on the 
scenario offers many advantages.
- It makes it possible to create interoperable SDKs, where frontend dev stacks 
(any JS flavor) can be mixed and matched with compliant backend stacks 
(middlewares in node, java, ASP.NET<http://ASP.NET>, PHP etc)
- It allows us to provide guidance on how to properly tackle the scenario and 
warn implementers against security risks (scope escalations, using IDtokens 
instead of access tokens, etc)
- It allows us to discuss (and when appropriate, promote) this pattern as part 
of the browser apps security guidance, and position the scenario where frontend 
only calls API on its own backed (hence doesn’t need access tokens) simply as a 
special case of this more general pattern
- This approach makes mocking and testing apps very easy, possibly preventing 
developers from weakening the security of their system (eg turning on ROPG 
options)  or turning to risky practices like scraping

Needless to say, this specification doesn’t entirely eliminate the risks 
inherent to direct use of access tokens from a browser. But reality is that the 
pattern is in widespread use, and the circumstances leading to that (eg 
developers on a particular project only work with frontend stacks; components 
like reverse proxies might not always be viable; etc) aren’t going away any 
time soon. By providing simple guidance on this pattern, we can simplify the 
life of many developers while enshrining basic security hygiene in scenarios 
that would have otherwise be left to their own device.

Looking forward for your feedback!


On 2/12/21, 12:41, "internet-dra...@ietf.org<mailto:internet-dra...@ietf.org>" 
<internet-dra...@ietf.org<mailto:internet-dra...@ietf.org>> wrote:

   A new version of I-D, draft-bertocci-oauth2-tmi-bff-00.txt
   has been successfully submitted by Vittorio Bertocci and posted to the
   IETF repository.

   Name:        draft-bertocci-oauth2-tmi-bff
   Revision:    00
   Title:        Token Mediating and session Information Backend For Frontend
   Document date:    2021-02-12
   Group:        Individual Submission
   Pages:        16
   Htmlized:       https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-bertocci-oauth2-tmi-bff-00

      This document describes how a JavaScript frontend can delegate access
      token acquisition to a backend component.  In so doing, the frontend
      can access resource servers directly without taking on the burden of
      communicating with the authorization server, persisting tokens, and
      performing operations that are fraught with security challenges when
      executed in a user agent, but are safe and well proven when executed
      by a confidential client running on a backend.

   Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission
   until the htmlized version and diff are available at 

   The IETF Secretariat

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