Dear list,

We have a requirement to let users log in to an application via a code sent by email. This code needs to be exchanged for an access/refresh token pair, and should only work once.

The access/refresh token scope would give limited access to the application. Since we already use the authorization_code flow for other (more sensitive) parts of the application, I would like to re-use the OAuth2 framework for parts of this.

It doesn't sit right with me to overload the 'code' in authorization_code, so I was considering introducing a new custom grant_type for our application, specific for this purpose. It seems that grant_type in the 'token' endpoint would support extension in this manner, by using a uri such as https://vendor.example/email-token

I'm comfortable implementing this, but curious:

1. Is there already some prior art that I'm not aware of? I'd rather
   not do a custom grant_type if there's something standard I could do.
2. Are there any major pitfalls associated with this?


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