On 4/2/2023 2:49 PM, Warren Parad wrote:
But why these scopes?

Separate read and write scopes for the three pieces of a groupware service seemed appropriate.  And separating the three pieces of groupware seemed appropriate as not all domains or users will use all of them.

But since the most common use cases would include both read and write, I defined short-hand scopes that included both permissions.

If that doesn't answer your question, then I'm not sure what you're looking for.

On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 9:37 PM Clinton Bunch <cdb_i...@zentaur.org> wrote:

    On 4/2/2023 2:26 PM, Warren Parad wrote:
    Sorry, I'm asking why these scopes at all? I personally have
    never seen any of them used ever (and I'm not being hyperbolic),
    How did you come up with these suggestions?

    The naming seemed logical given the IANA URI namespace. I was
    looking for something that would be a common set of scopes for
    this application domain that wasn't tied to a single vendor.

    The purpose *could* be served by widespread adoption of Google's
    scopes such as


    but I believe that the reliance on a specific vendor name would
    hamper wide-spread adoption, so a namespace defined by a neutral
    party such as IETF seemed best.

    On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 8:46 PM Clinton Bunch
    <cdb_i...@zentaur.org> wrote:

        On 4/2/2023 1:34 PM, Warren Parad wrote:

            I propose a set of nine well-known scopes

        Can you elaborate on what you mean by "well-known"? Is there
        some canonical list, where these were pulled from?

        I was trying to avoid the use of standard, as that implies
        they must be used.  To encourage adoption, I didn't want to
        imply that the large providers would be required to change
        their software to accommodate these, though it would be nice
        if they did.  These scopes are not currently in use as far as
        I know.

        The sense of well-known is that once this was published they
        would be well-known scopes that could be implemented with
        well-defined semantics.

        - Warren

        On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 8:12 PM Clinton Bunch
        <cdb_i...@zentaur.org> wrote:

            This seemed the most appropriate working group to post
            this suggestion.

            I would like to see a new Internet-Draft/RFC to add some
            scopes to the IANA registry to promote adoption of Oauth
            in Groupware
            domains.  I will try to write it myself, but have no
            experience with
            I-Ds or as a technical writer and could use some help.

            Since the publication of RFC 7628 there is a push to
            migrate groupware
            servers to use Oauth2.  This is hampered by the fact
            that there are
            several different server implementations and client
            implementations are
            often written by different organizations with little
            overlap.  One of
            the barriers to widespread adoption is that each
            authorization server
            has a different set of scopes to cover the necessary user
            authorizations.  One groupware client I know has only a
            few Auth Servers
            available that are hardcoded and nearly every one has a
            different set of
            scopes.  Servers have to have appropriate scopes
            configured by the
            administrator in order for the server to know which
            scopes to check.  It
            also makes it hard for clients to know which scopes to
            request without
            some sort of configuration file provided by the domain
            or worse, having
            the user enter the appropriate scopes by hand.  The
            latter especially
            seems like a support headache for the admin of the
            groupware servers.

            I propose a set of nine well-known scopes be added to
            the Oauth URI IANA
            registry to address this.

            urn:ietf:params:oauth:scope:mail:read        -
            Authorization to read
            email (IMAP,POP)
            urn:ietf:params:oauth:scope:mail:send        -
            Authorization to send
            mail on the user's behalf (SMTP)
            urn:ietf:params:oauth:scope:mail            -
            Combination of the
            previous two scopes
            urn:ietf:params:oauth:scope:calendar:read     -
            Authorization to read
            calendar entries
            urn:ietf:params:oauth:scope:calendar:update -
            Authorization to
            update/create/delete calendar entries
            urn:ietf:params:oauth:scope:calendar        -
            Combination of the
            previous two scopes
            urn:ietf:params:oauth:scope:contacts:read     -
            Authorization to read
            contacts information
            urn:ietf:params:oauth:scope:contacts:update -
            Authorization to
            update/create/delete contact information.
            urn:ietf:params:oauth:scope:contacts        -
            Combination of the
            previous two scopes

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