On 4/2/2023 4:44 PM, Warren Parad wrote:
If CalDAV is that spec, then wouldn't it make sense to request updates to that spec to additionally define OAuth scopes? I don't think it makes sense for the OAuth WG to define scopes for other specs, and I also don't think updating the CalDAV spec is in the purview of this working group. Instead the expectation is for specs using OAuth to define their own scopes. In that light, might it make sense to review the current working groups to find one that could take on the addendum to the existing CalDAV spec?
I considered posting this to calext or emailcore, but neither would be appropriate for all these scopes and Oauth would need to approve the IANA registration using this URI namespace.  So I tried here first.

On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 11:24 PM Clinton Bunch <cdbu...@zentaur.org> wrote:

    On 4/2/2023 4:06 PM, Warren Parad wrote:
    Why is this still hypothetical, is there a reason you don't want
    to share a concrete use case?

    I run a small e-mail and calendar server for my own use.
    Thunderbird cannot provide Oauth authentication to my server
    without knowing what scopes define email services or calendar
    services or contacts services.  It is impractical to expect
    Thunderbird to map my specific scopes to those services and do the
    same for thousands of other servers.  So having a well-defined set
    of scopes with well-defined semantics allows Thunderbird to use
    the discovery protocol to see that my AS supports some or all of
    those scopes.

    Sure, Thunderbird needs to understand the scopes mapped by email
    providers, but having shared scope names, does not imply the
    implementation of those scopes. So Thunderbird still has to
    maintain a map of "what it wants" to "what scope provides that by
    that service in question". Having standard scopes doesn't change
    that, it only hopefully convinces existing email providers to
    actually change their scope names.
    Since most small providers don't currently have scopes defined
    because the clients don't even try to support scopes except those
    defined by the big players, this gives them a set of scopes that
    can be reasonably supported by both the AS and the client without
    manual configuration.

    Are existing email providers going to change their scope names? I
    can't see Google Calendar doing that. The problem with defining
    arbitrary strings that imply permissions, is that "what exactly
    those scopes means" is not trivially obvious. That is, as David
    Waite put it, does *calendar:update imply calendar:read*. Adding
    both to the oauth params still allows some providers to say
    *yes* while others say *no*. Which means we aren't just talking
    about adding scopes, we are talking about what those scopes
    imply. Before we can add scopes, I think we would need to first
    point to a globally accepted calendar service interface
    specification which we could use to draw inspiration from.
    However if such spec already existed, then the scopes would also

    How is CalDAV  not that spec?

    Yes, there may be places where the semantics are not quite
    well-defined enough, that would be the point of having a discussion.

    That is to say, a spec needs to exist before creating scopes, and
    if the spec did exist, the scopes would already be defined. For
    the that reason, I don't believe this this the best working group
    for that.

    On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 10:53 PM Clinton Bunch
    <cdb_i...@zentaur.org> wrote:

        On 4/2/2023 3:13 PM, Warren Parad wrote:
        I'm looking for proof that anyone actually needs these.
        Introducing unnecessary scopes into the spec is both a waste
        of time and needlessly complicates the documentation. So we
        need there to be a real problem that is attempting to be
        solved in which additional scopes is the right solution.

        I'm going to start off the conversation by saying, I think
        this is a bad idea. Most services in the world do not have
        any of these, and when they do the relevant scopes are
        coupled to the relevant authorization server (AS). In other
        words, you only define the scopes you want after reviewing
        the documentation for the relevant AS. Defining new standard
        scopes helps for interoperability, but there is zero
        interoperability with scopes (the AS defines them, the Dev
        picks them, and the User reviews them. Scopes don't carry
        additional meaning cross platforms). So this seems like just
        a really bad idea to me.

        Scopes do help with permissions and visibility in the
        created id_token (or access_token), for instance let's say a
        service wanted to link a user's access to their ethereum
        wallet. In that case, a new scope like eth_wallet_id might
        make sense, so that the wallet public key would show up in
        the id_token to be directly used.

        But the scopes that have been proposed don't expose data in
        the tokens, they define access. User contact information is
        already available via *profile, email, address, and phone*.
        That means not only are we talking about creating additional
        scopes, we are also talking about expanding scopes in a way
        that currently isn't used. Which brings us back to, what
        problem are you trying to solve?

        Right now an email (or calendar or contact) client (such as
        Thunderbird) is in general written by an organization
        separate from the author of the resource server (such as
        Dovecot), which is different from the author of the
        authorization server.  The authorization server may have
        several scopes it supports, so even using the discovery
        protocol, the client doesn't know how to choose the scopes it
        needs to request without those scopes being hard-coded per
        authorization server, or entered by the user.  This would
        allow the client, AS, and resource server too use a common
        set of scopes to specify that this domain is offering
        groupware services and the scopes the client needs to
        request.  It requires cooperation from the AS administrator,
        true, but both client and server know what the appropriate
        scopes are without further configuration.

        These clients may be used across thousandds of AS domains and
        having to hard-code the scopes for each is going to deter
        adoption of Oauth2 authentication, by limiting it to only a
        few domains.

        Another use case is connecting voice assistants to calendars
        hosted on servers of small organizations.  The voice
        assistant needs to know what scopes to request for the token
        to access the users calendar.  Right now that is limited to
        just the calendar services of a few large players which are

        Having the user enter the necessary scopes by hand, where the
        client has that capability, leads to a poor user experience.

        The point of these scopes is to allow small players in the
        field to use common implementations and have them work for a
        wide set of users without placing an undue burden on the user.

        On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 9:57 PM Clinton Bunch
        <cdb_i...@zentaur.org> wrote:

            On 4/2/2023 2:49 PM, Warren Parad wrote:
            But why these scopes?

            Separate read and write scopes for the three pieces of a
            groupware service seemed appropriate.  And separating
            the three pieces of groupware seemed appropriate as not
            all domains or users will use all of them.

            But since the most common use cases would include both
            read and write, I defined short-hand scopes that
            included both permissions.

            If that doesn't answer your question, then I'm not sure
            what you're looking for.

            On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 9:37 PM Clinton Bunch
            <cdb_i...@zentaur.org> wrote:

                On 4/2/2023 2:26 PM, Warren Parad wrote:
                Sorry, I'm asking why these scopes at all? I
                personally have never seen any of them used ever
                (and I'm not being hyperbolic), How did you come
                up with these suggestions?

                The naming seemed logical given the IANA URI
                namespace.  I was looking for something that would
                be a common set of scopes for this application
                domain that wasn't tied to a single vendor.

                The purpose *could* be served by widespread
                adoption of Google's scopes such as


                but I believe that the reliance on a specific
                vendor name would hamper wide-spread adoption, so a
                namespace defined by a neutral party such as IETF
                seemed best.

                On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 8:46 PM Clinton Bunch
                <cdb_i...@zentaur.org> wrote:

                    On 4/2/2023 1:34 PM, Warren Parad wrote:

                        I propose a set of nine well-known scopes

                    Can you elaborate on what you mean by
                    "well-known"? Is there some canonical list,
                    where these were pulled from?

                    I was trying to avoid the use of standard, as
                    that implies they must be used.  To encourage
                    adoption, I didn't want to imply that the
                    large providers would be required to change
                    their software to accommodate these, though it
                    would be nice if they did.  These scopes are
                    not currently in use as far as I know.

                    The sense of well-known is that once this was
                    published they would be well-known scopes that
                    could be implemented with well-defined semantics.

                    - Warren

                    On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 8:12 PM Clinton Bunch
                    <cdb_i...@zentaur.org> wrote:

                        This seemed the most appropriate working
                        group to post this suggestion.

                        I would like to see a new
                        Internet-Draft/RFC to add some well-known
                        scopes to the IANA registry to promote
                        adoption of Oauth in Groupware
                        domains.  I will try to write it myself,
                        but have no experience with
                        I-Ds or as a technical writer and could
                        use some help.

                        Since the publication of RFC 7628 there
                        is a push to migrate groupware
                        servers to use Oauth2.  This is hampered
                        by the fact that there are
                        several different server implementations
                        and client implementations are
                        often written by different organizations
                        with little overlap.  One of
                        the barriers to widespread adoption is
                        that each authorization server
                        has a different set of scopes to cover
                        the necessary user
                        authorizations.  One groupware client I
                        know has only a few Auth Servers
                        available that are hardcoded and nearly
                        every one has a different set of
                        scopes.  Servers have to have appropriate
                        scopes configured by the
                        administrator in order for the server to
                        know which scopes to check.  It
                        also makes it hard for clients to know
                        which scopes to request without
                        some sort of configuration file provided
                        by the domain or worse, having
                        the user enter the appropriate scopes by
                        hand.  The latter especially
                        seems like a support headache for the
                        admin of the groupware servers.

                        I propose a set of nine well-known scopes
                        be added to the Oauth URI IANA
                        registry to address this.

                            - Authorization to read
                        email (IMAP,POP)
                            - Authorization to send
                        mail on the user's behalf (SMTP)
                            - Combination of the
                        previous two scopes
                            - Authorization to read
                        calendar entries
                        - Authorization to
                        update/create/delete calendar entries
                            - Combination of the
                        previous two scopes
                            - Authorization to read
                        contacts information
                        - Authorization to
                        update/create/delete contact information.
                            - Combination of the
                        previous two scopes

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