On Mon, Oct 2, 2023, 11:56 PM Denis <denis.i...@free.fr> wrote:
> Hi Justin,
> Your premise relies on a feature of JSON that does not exist. JSON does not 
> provide well-defined behavior for repeated names within an object:
> When the names within an object are not
> unique, the behavior of software that receives such an object is
> unpredictable.
> You should also cite the next two sentences which are:
>        Many implementations report the last name/value pair only.  Other 
> implementations report an error or fail
>        to parse the object, and some implementations report all of the 
> name/value pairs, including duplicates.
> A specification might require to use implementations that report all of the 
> name/value pairs, including duplicates.

That's not sticking to JSON semantics. Extending JSON to be a
multifunction or worse a sequence of key value pairs changes the
semantics. If you use JSON stick to RFC 8259 as it interoperates not
gratuitously cause problems.

Justin is right.

Watson Ladd

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