Hello all,

Please let me know if there's a better channel to ask questions and/or
raise issues with the SD-JWT spec.

Currently as part of verification of an SD-JWT the following is stated:

*Upon receiving an SD-JWT, a Holder or a Verifier MUST ensure that *

   - *the Issuer-signed JWT is valid, i.e., it is signed by the Issuer and
   the signature is valid, and*
   - *all Disclosures are correct, i.e., their digests are referenced in
   the Issuer-signed JWT.*

As highlighted I have a question about this second bullet point. Can I ask
why the Disclosures must be referenced in the Issuer-signed JWT and not
simply ignored if they do not exist in the JWT? There doesn't appear to be
a security benefit to simply halt and to not verify what could otherwise be
a valid SD-JWT, as the unbound Disclosures would never be processed as part
of the SD-JWT verification anyway.

Apologies if this is something that has previously been discussed.

Jacob Ward
OAuth mailing list

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