Tim and Perry,
A number of points to your replies.

i) I appreciate the reason suggested for the board
voting as they did was merely a guess, since it was
not discussed.  But, assuming that the board felt they
had to "stick together", I reply: a) a poor reason to
stand by an indefensible position (that is to say, the
board has yet to present any logical reason why a link
to an independent site should not be provided); b) Rod
should stay as newsletter editor, but his suggestion
to resign rather than provide a link is also a
disproportionate response to a simple request, and to
use this as a threat to get the board to "stick
together" is at worst, manipulative; c) the board's
business IS the members' business - so having 8
members of the board "stick together" in defiance of
the many members who have expressed their request for
a link to the superior site that Celia creates is not
following democratic principles of the elected and
representative positions

ii) "impolite and acrimonious manner ... not conducive
to settling fairly and amicably" ! 4 points here:
a) Are you aware of how unfair, impolite, acrimonious,
and unamicable board members have been treated or even
moreso, how rudely Celia has been spoken of when any
members suggest a link?  This is not a defence for
behaving poorly by anyone.  However, the board is not
clear of wrongdoing; b) disagreement does not equate
to acrimony - when in the hot seat, caused by one's
own doing (no one else's) with defiantly digging in
the heels, one will feel the discussion generated is
acrimonious; c) an unmoving stance after many months
of requests, will automatically cause unfriendly
response - don't expect cheeriness after such a long
time over a simple request; d) regardless of the
language used, this is not a valid excuse to continue
to avoid a decision that satisfies the wishes of the

iii) 3 requests for a link?  There have been more than
three people suggesting to members of the board to do
something about the TT website.  If those that have
specifically used the words "request a link" are
counted as the only members to have said anything,
statistics are abused.  Furthermore, a very standard
marketing understanding is that only 1 in 10 - 20 will
actually bother writing in to express displeasure. 
Even if you did get only 3, this is a number to which
you should be paying attention when only 50 showing up
for a TT is a good crowd.  Note that between Aug 18
and Aug 21st, there were 8 people that expressed
support for my Aug 18th suggestion that the link be
provided.  A count of 3 is off.

iv) a compromise for a simple link?  What could be a
half-way measure of providing a link?  Provide the
link only on Monday, Wednesday, Friday? :)  This is a
LINK.  What could be more simple? What needs

v) "meets the wants of some of its members without
compromising the authority of the Board to operate the
club in the best interests of all its members"? 
Please note: a) "authority" - the board's business IS
the members' business.  The board is not to operate
autocratically, not with its own personal agenda.  The
agenda of the board IS the agenda of the members;  b)
"best interests of all"? the board has yet to explain
how a link will disadvantage a SINGLE one of its
members, let alone needing to defend an immovable
position by suggesting that you must meet the needs of
ALL members (an impossible requirement when you admit
everyone can't be satisfied)

vi) the petition content has not been hidden, anyone
was welcome to read it and sign or not sign any time
at any of the TTs we have been to.  But, whether a
petition exists or not, and whatever the contents of
any petition that might be circulating could be, an
unknown petition is irrelevant to voting in favour of
providing a link.

vii) "the best way to have your say is ... run for a
Board position" ? This is not an issue that should
have required a vote, this is an issue that should
have been resolved back in May by providing a link to
a *working* site, without the need for any discussion.
 Moreover, there are already many volunteers within
the OBC that do not have a vote, including Celia (when
she was webmaster), and these volunteers should not
require to run for a board position to have attitudes
or opinions change affecting them.  The board should
be representing the requests of the membership. 
Period.  To suggest that the board can operate
otherwise in the 2 year interim between elections
using the excuse that "if you don't like it, run for
the board next time" only strengthens the observation
that the board is not operating democratically between
elections.  A delay of up to 2 years before the board
might change its stance is an unacceptable pace of

This is a request for a LINK.  Are we forgetting the
simplicity of the requirement?

So, as "acrimonious" as the board may feel my
rebuttal, do trust that this silliness is tiresome
after too many months of expecting a simple request to
be settled without dispute.  But, without the board
explaining their stance with logical discussion, I
continue to have to repeat:

i) the board is to represent the members' interests
ii) the request of a number of members is to provide a
link to Celia's TT website

Celia's work is superior and proven.  The board is
wasting resources to continue to pursue an alternate
TT site.  There are bigger problems in the world that
the board can spend its obvious abundance of energy.

I note that Celia has replied to Rod's offer for a
link on certain conditions.  I should hope that it is
clear that some requests may be made of Celia as
offical TT web developer (as she once was, and if this
is the intent of the conditions), but that the request
to link to her page still stands without regard to
conditions that the board or any member of the board
may present for yet further delay to getting this

Rather than further delay to the AGM, I will read and
present the petition at Monday's board meeting, merely
for your files, if the link is provided by then.


--- tim aubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Michael et al,
>   I think the best way to have your say on the
> conduct of the OBC is to 
> volunteer to run for a Board position.  I understand
> that there will be some 
> vacancies at this years AGM.  I have been on the
> Board, its a thankless job 
> and you certainly can't support every position
> presented by every member.  
> We are the largest club in Ontario, and I know the
> Board and every 
> individual member and I'm confident they do their
> best to represent the club 
> and support the membership.
> Bottom line....you can't please everyone and you
> have to do what you think 
> is in the best interest of all.  I personally
> support the Board and the 
> employees of the OBC.
> My two cents,
> Tim Aubin.
> >From: "Perry R. McKenna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: Michael Coldwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, OBC
> >Subject: RE: [obc] Link Vote
> >Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 20:00:42 -0400
> >
> >Hello  Michael,
> >
> >Sorry I have not replied to email any sooner.
> >
> >I am unable to say why individual members of the
> Board voted the way they
> >did. They each voted the way they thought would be
> in the best interests
> >of the OBC.
> >
> >My impression is most wanted to show support for
> the Newsletter Editor
> >and webmaster who have been doing a great job under
> >difficult circumstances. The Board was reluctant to
> discuss the issue as
> >the motion came as a complete surprise to most, it
> was not on the agenda,
> >the board has not received a petition, didn't know
> what it said, and had
> >received only three requests for a link, and no one
> had asked any member
> >of the Board why it wouldn't add a link. The Board
> is largely in the dark
> >about the petition, other than its existence.
> Further, the impolite and
> >acrimonious manner in which some of the supporters
> have corresponded with
> >directors has not been conducive to settling the
> issue fairly
> >and amicably.
> >
> >Despite this the Board continues to look for a
> solution that
> >meets the wants of some of its members without
> compromising the authority
> >of the Board to operate the club in the best
> interests of all its members.
> >
> >Hopefully this answers your questions.
> >
> >Sincerely,
> >
> >Perry McKenna
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Michael Coldwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 7:28 AM
> >Subject: Fwd: Link Vote
> >
> >
> > > Mr. McKenna,
> > > In the event that you are not on the OBC List, I
> > > resend this note as below ...
> > >
> > > thanks,
> > > Michael
> > >
> > > --- Michael Coldwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > > > Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 08:08:18 -0400 (EDT)
> > > > From: Michael Coldwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > Subject: Link Vote
> > > >
> > > > Mr. McKenna,
> > > >
> > > > At last week's Open TT, we were told that a
> vote had
> > > > been taken at the last board meeting regarding
> the
> > > > provision of a link connection from OBC
> Website to
> > > > Celia's TT website.
> > > >
> > > > I understand the vote was 8 - 2 against.
> > > >
> > > > Might you please provide the arguments and
> > > > discussions
> > > > that were presented at the board meeting to
> persuade
> > > > 8
> > > > people to vote against providing the link?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > much appreciated,
> > > > Michael
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Post your free ad now!
> http://personals.yahoo.ca
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca
> >
> >-------------------------------------------------
> >For list help, please send email to
> >
> >Club Office:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (613)
> 230-1064
> >Website: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
> http://www.cyberus.ca/~obcweb
> >Newsletter:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >-------------------------------------------------
> >
> Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device:
> http://mobile.msn.com

Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca

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Website: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.cyberus.ca/~obcweb
Newsletter:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

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