Rod Plunkett wrote:
> Secondly, you have completely ignored the impact this matter
> has on the newsletter. In case you hadn't noticed, the results
> are also published in the newsletter. If I was not under an
> obligation to publish them, then this never would have been an
> issue. We'd have a link pointing to Celia's site from day 1 and
> the Club would not have any TT results on its own site.

Oh Rod - this is just not true!

1. Earlier newsletter editors never required that the results be on the
obc web site. I only moved them there for the first time in 2001 (the
second year that I was webmaster). Also, earlier newsletter editors
always managed to format the tt web pages appropriately for the
newsletter on their own, but when you said that you couldn't, I offered
to send the results in any format that you wanted:

Celia: May 8 2002 11:49 P.M.
> Anyway let me know if there's anything I can do to help - It
> would be trivial to write a little perl program to remove the
> html tags and place the material in fixed-width columns. The
> data is very consistent and simple in form... Also, the
> results sent to Rosmarie this morning were in a text format
> (without speeds). Can you use those?

I sent text versions of the results to Rosmarie for about 2 months - and
gave up only at the end of your 5 week outage in the official tt site. I
did however, at that point, give you instructions as to how to pull in
my results on your own, and you were welcome to ask me again for
assistance if you needed it. You did not ask.

2. I offered to continue doing the TT web sites a number of times, but
you said no - I couldn't because I didn't have the official membership
list - I said that the list could be sent to me if that was a problem (I
told you that Robert Trotter had set Rosmarie up with a method to do
that with me a year or two earlier - ie., it would cost you no work).
You said: 

Rod: May 9 2002 12:45 A.M.
> You are right it can be done, but it will not, because it is going to
> duplicate a process we already have in place. It is not a question of
> trust - you are not in a position to judge how much work it will be
> for the other stakeholders.

3. I asked you to provide a link to my site, and you said no!

Rod: May 9 2002 12:45
> There is no disputing the quality of your work; however, the
> linking ain't gonna happen. It is not entirely my decision
> anyhow. There are too many other stakeholders, so it is a
> closed issue. I understand you have the best of intentions
> but it will cause me more trouble to put the link up than to
> come up with something else, which I am very close to finishing.

I am very upset at the way in which you have treated me in this web
issue. Certainly over the last 5 years, I have donated more than 1000
hours of my time in setting up and managing the 3 time trial web sites
and also serving as the obc webmaster for more than two years. I have
always done my best in these roles, and only came to odds with you over
a technical matter which I feel that you, not being able to appreciate
the technical ramifications, should not have overruled me in (By the
way, the fact that MacIntosh users STILL can't properly view pages
beyond the obc home page is a direct consequence of you breaking a
technical restriction which I was trying to hold you to).

Let's try to fix this silly dispute! It's such a waste of energy. I can
understand and fix technical problems - and, even though I'd rather just
ride my bike, I am continuing to offer my skill in doing the TT web
sites. Concerning the emotional toll of the ordeal, I think that you and
I both need some help dealing with this. Any good mediators out there???


P.S.: I actually think that Michael's points are well taken and I can
certainly understand his frustration concerning the roadblocks. In fact
I feel much the same, though perhaps a bit more intensely, since I am
the one who, despite giving so much to the club, has been labelled as
being difficult, acrimonious, and dear knows how many other things.
Blazes - in actual fact my crime was really just a refusal to take
orders which were technically stupid!

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