This is indeed good news Celia! I think everyone in the Club will agree with me that 
you and Rod care a lot about the OBC and you deserve to be applauded for it.

I have been proud to be a member of the OBC ever since I joined. It has certainly been 
rewarding for me.

As for "giving back" to the club, I would like to offer my help with the OBC Grand 
next year. This event interests me and it's one of many that have made the OBC the 
club it is.


On Oct 08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  Joseph A Danis wrote:
> > Could the Board please resolve the issue concerning the reporting of
> > Time Trial results as soon as possible?
> Joe:
> When two people each believe that they are individually right and that
> the other is wrong, it is often helpful to have a mediator. Bob Hicks
> has offered to serve in this role. It might take a while to come to an
> agreement (or to even fit a meeting into our busy schedules!), but since
> both Rod and I do care about the club, we should both have an interest
> in negotiating.
> Avery: Sorry for any confusion. I'm precise, even in the midst of
> indecision :-). In all fairness, though, any lack of clarity which you
> found in the quoted from (Jan 16 04:15 A.M.) letter (the "I feel that I
> have no choice but to resign" note of total frustration!), was corrected
> in a note sent within 4 days - well before the next board meeting, where
> one would think that a resignation should be tabled. I specifically
> asked for mediation in this note, but my request was denied. Anyway - I
> offered to continue on (officially) with the TT web sites in January (no
> answer) and again in  March (when I was told that Randy would do them).
> The TT/WTT organizers wanted me to do the web pages (and needed
> functionality which Randy has still not programmed for), so I did the
> web sites for these series for the whole season.
> Celia
> -------------------------------------------------
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> Website: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    <a 
> Newsletter:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
> -------------------------------------------------
> Joseph A. Danis

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