2 Oct 2002 Britannia Park Madison CX                                    
OA      Name/Team               Cat.    Points  
8 Laps                                  
1       Francois        Beaupre SM      9       
        Fil     Bohac   SM      9       
2       Jason   Cheney  SM      8       
        John    Fee     SM      8       
3       Alan    Reain   SM      7       
        Duane   Smith   SM      7       
4       Mike    Leach   VA      6       
        Steve   Proulx  VA      6       
5       Colin   Campbell        VB      5       
        Vince   Caseres SM      5       
6       Jeff    Bakal   SM      4.5     
        David   Bilenkey        VA      4.5     
7       Michael Bennett VA      4       
        Marc    Levesque        VA      4       
8       Shawn   Clarke  CAD     3.5     
        Chris   Grainger        VA      3.5     
9       Paul    Cheney  VC      3       
        Jon     Walker  SM      3       
10      Greg    Brown   VC      2.5     
        Drew    McCutcheon      SM      2.5     
11      Adrian  Christie        CAD     2       
        Greg    Christie        VB      2       
12      Marc    Chiarelli       VA      1.5     
        Les     Humphreys       VC      1.5     
13      Jen     Adams   W       1       
        Robert  Parniak SM      1       
14      Steve   Kiernan VC      1       
        Dominique       Larocque        W       1       
15      Mark    Samborsky       VA      1       
        Peter   Tregunno        SM      1       
16      Rob     Kerr    VA      1       
        Pat     Konantz W       1       
7 Laps                                  
17      Alexey  Ivanov  SM      1       
        Vytas   Janusauskas     VB      1       
18      Marcie  Girouard        W       1       
        Ian     Stewart VB      1       
6 Laps                                  
19      Ron     Phillips        VC      1       
        Tyson   Stewart MIN     1       
5 Laps                                  
20      Jason   Hall    CAD     1       
        Rita    Hall    W       1       

Bob Simpson

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