I wanted to provide my response to the decision concerning your club's
e-mail list I read in the e-mail digest, issue 789.

As a non-member lurker and very occasional poster, I have to say that one
effect of this e-mail list decision may well be to _increase_ membership in

I've watched some quite nasty flame wars go back and forth over the last
several months, and frankly the attitude I see being promulgated from the
club's executive makes me less interested in becoming a member. Maybe I'm
stupid, maybe shortsighted, but I've got better things to blow $40 on than a
truly dysfunctional organization.

If you make it more difficult for non-members to get an 'window into the
organization' by watching e-mail exchanges, those non-members may join the
club, only to have a reaction similar to mine once in.

Like many associations, you seem to be going through difficulties caused by:
(1) ego; (2) conflicting visions; (3) poor communication skills; (4) lack of
tolerance and spirit of compromise.

Dump me or don't. I may check the list the other way, or not, depending on
how much time I have. But for what it's worth, I think your decision is, as
Frank Zappa put it so deliciously, "like curing dandruff with decapitation."


Bob LeDrew, who's quite proud of his 1100 km bicycling season, and wouldn't
be averse to someone letting him know where the best-value spinning classes
in the city are so he can keep his legs from turning to jelly-like pencil
stems over the winter.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Website: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.cyberus.ca/~obcweb
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