I agree that the OBC list should be kept open to all, the only restrictions
being that everyone follow the rules and policies set out by the list
manager.  If a member or non-member contributor repeatedly abuses his/her
privileges, then send a warning to that individual to abide by the standards
or risk being removed.  We have in the past cancelled memberships of members
who have "not toed the line", so it should be the same for our email
discussion group.  
I always thought our club represented the cycling community so we should
welcome open discussions on subjects of interest to all cyclists and not
just keep the goings on within the club membership a closed secret.
Perhaps the membership should be asked to vote on this issue at the AGM next
Wed. rather than have the Board decide for us. 

My $$'s worth

Barbara Wilson, member since 1985 or thereabouts 

For list help, please send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Club Office:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (613) 230-1064
Website: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.cyberus.ca/~obcweb
Newsletter:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

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