Looking at the replies to this touchy issue, I note that many non-club
members read this list from far away and near and find the information
valuable.  Some of them seem to think that the irritation that is generated
and aired here is from the board members or indeed simple club members, yet
it's often (but not always) non-club or anonymous members of this list who
are doing much of the mud slinging.  In short, the list seems to represent
the club, yet non club members of the list have aired opinions and
suggestions which have led to tedious arguments.

While I'm happy to stem the acrimony that erupts here from time to time, I
propose that, instead of shutting out all but club members, a person or
committee be empowered to warn, then ban users who don't follow the spirit
of the list.  If that's not practical or possible then I agree that the only
way to control the airing of what amounts to personality conflicts is to
have a members-only list where posters are subject to club sanctions.

Bob Simpson

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Website: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.cyberus.ca/~obcweb
Newsletter:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

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