ini sebenarnya karena US dolarnya yg menguat sih, jadi harganya 
turun ...

--- In, "jsx_consultant" <jsx-
> Sekitar 3 bulan lalu Goldman Sach yg spesialisasinya di mining,
> memprediksikan minyak akan ke 147 nyatanya BABLAS.
> Sekarang ML bikin prediksi SENSASIONIL lagi.
> Mana yg bener ?.
> Just follow the price graph, you would not be fooled...
> --- In, "jsx_consultant" <jsx-
> consultant@> wrote:
> >
> > Oil May Fall Below $25 Next Year, Merrill Lynch Says (Update1) 
> > Email | Print | A A A 
> > 
> > By Grant Smith
> > 
> > Dec. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil may dip below $25 a barrel next 
> year 
> > if the recession that's slashing fuel demand around the world 
> spreads 
> > to China, Merrill Lynch & Co. said. 
> > 
> > Global oil demand will contract in 2009 as economic growth slows 
> > its weakest since 1982, Merrill Commodity Strategist Francisco 
> Blanch 
> > said in a report today. In October, when oil was around $100 a 
> > barrel, the bank predicted that prices may slide to $50. Crude 
> traded 
> > at $45.30 in New York today, the lowest since February 2005. 
> > 
> > "A temporary drop below $25 a barrel is possible if the global 
> > recession extends to China and significant non-OPEC cuts are 
> > required," Blanch said. "In the short-run, global oil demand 
> > will likely take a further beating as banks continue to cut 
> to 
> > consumers and corporations." 
> > 
> > Crude hasn't fallen below $25 a barrel on the New York Mercantile 
> > Exchange since November 2002. 
> > 
> > Global oil demand has slumped as the U.S., Europe and Japan face 
> > simultaneous recessions for the first time since World War II. 
> > number of Americans collecting jobless benefits rose to 4 million 
> in 
> > the week to Nov. 22, a 26-year high, the Labor Department 
> > today. European Central Bank President Jean- Claude Trichet said 
> the 
> > euro region's economy will shrink in 2009. 
> > 
> > $50 Average 
> > 
> > Merrill reiterated a Nov. 26 forecast that oil futures traded in 
> New 
> > York will average $50 a barrel next year. Prices "could find a 
> > trough" at the end of the first quarter and undergo a "modest 
> > recovery" in the second half as economies strengthen, according 
> > today's report. 
> > 
> > "We expect strong cooperation to emerge" among members of the 
> > Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries as prices fall 
> > $50, Blanch said. OPEC, producer of more than 40 percent of the 
> > world's crude, was still pumping about 1 million barrels a day 
> > than its official target of 27.3 million barrels a day last 
> > according to a Bloomberg survey. 
> > 
> > Producers in Canada may shutter almost 800,000 barrels a day if 
> > prices decline below $35 a barrel, Blanch added. 
> > 
> > Merrill's $50-a-barrel assessment for 2009 is the second- lowest 
> > among 32 analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg, after a 
> prediction 
> > of $43.13 by ANZ Banking Group Ltd. issued on Nov. 18. 
> > 
> > To contact the reporter on this story: Grant Smith in London at 
> > gsmith52@ 
> > 
> > Last Updated: December 4, 2008 09:27 EST
> >

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