miss Elaine
beberapa waktu yang lalu miss pernah nulis ini.. masih berlaku gak yah?

From: <mailto:you.can.call.me.ela...@gmail.com>Elaine Sui
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 7:39 PM
Subject: the next event would be China

Dear all,

I have to warn that the next event would be China. This event has bigger impact to everyone, cuz China and Indonesia are both exporters and emerging countries. We're about to see that China is NOT invincible/decoupling and it's gonna be a real shocker. No official news, yet, so just sit tight and watch ^_^ Nobody can bail out the market except the market itself.

Chinese depression? That's even scarier. Looking at the Shanghai Index you may think it's near its bottom. No, it's not. Please be very very cautious, cuz this' gonna be the thing in 2009. Please tell our friends in the group if you want to. See what they think of this. As usual there will be ignorant jerks over there who always go against me, lol. Let them be. Send my regard to all my friends there.

ps: sorry, your email is the only one I have right now. About IDX.. well, it's still a loooooong way to go until we see another REAL bullish market, maybe until next 2-3 years from now, but I hope it's not gonna be that bad.

kalo berlaku gak gawat tuh tahun depan? tapi kok sekrang malahan suruh buy and hold? saya jadi nih...



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