Still El

China problem is on the supply side.In other word.. over supply.

Deflasion is unavoidable.

However... we currently on Bxxx RALLY... :D
What ever the first word is... It is still a rally..

so who care


On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 1:11 PM, Elaine Sui <> wrote:

>  *It's obsolete. China $586 billions stimulus plan (Nov 9th) seems to
> counter the issue below, barely a month after I posted this. [?] This is
> one of the reason why I'm so positive lately.
> Elaine**
> *
> On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 9:58 PM, Billy Chandra <>wrote:
>>  miss Elaine
>> beberapa waktu yang lalu miss pernah nulis ini.. masih berlaku gak yah?
>> *From:* Elaine Sui <>
>> *Sent:* Monday, October 20, 2008 7:39 PM
>> *Subject:* the next event would be China
>> *Dear all,
>> I have to warn that the next event would be China. This event has bigger
>> impact to everyone, cuz China and Indonesia are both exporters and emerging
>> countries. We're about to see that China is NOT invincible/decoupling and
>> it's gonna be a real shocker. No official news, yet, so just sit tight and
>> watch ^_^ Nobody can bail out the market except the market itself.
>> Chinese depression? That's even scarier. Looking at the Shanghai Index
>> you may think it's near its bottom. No, it's not. Please be very very
>> cautious, cuz this' gonna be the thing in 2009. Please tell our friends in
>> the group if you want to. See what they think of this. As usual there will
>> be ignorant jerks over there who always go against me, lol. Let them be.
>> Send my regard to all my friends there.*
>> *
>> Elaine
>> ps: sorry, your email is the only one I have right now. About IDX.. well,
>> it's still a loooooong way to go until we see another REAL bullish market,
>> maybe until next 2-3 years from now, but I hope it's not gonna be that bad.
>> *
>> kalo berlaku gak gawat tuh tahun depan?  tapi kok sekrang malahan suruh
>> buy and hold? saya jadi nih...
>> thx
>> billy
>> investormini


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