EL, what heat? What Panic?..., memang ada apa sih? did I miss something




From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Elaine Sui
Sent: 20 Februari 2009 22:01
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI technical sesi 1, The TRUTH is
unveiled... (Buat Lalat muda !!!)


Embah jangan panic. Everything is okay, don't worry dear. If you guys can't
stand the heat you may step aside and watch the show. You will miss the
train, but at least you don't lose the money.

my 500% target in 1-2 years. I really, I mean REALLY suggest all investors
(the one with real money) to start to invest in these sectors. Short term
trading kills. You think you're good traders, but I see many of you are not.
(if you're good, please stand up).

Take a look at this picture:

Prices go up and down, but the population growth rate is always up, means
the (real) demand is still THERE. Sorry Embah I can't give any chart (the
last time I posted a chart is like 2 yrs ago.. the rotated chart, remember?
^_^ so fugly) So don't worry. If you're still young, you can start to invest

Do you drive less? No.
Do you eat less? No.
Do you often use your phone? Yeah.
Internet/Messaging/F**book? Yeah?...
Crackberry? Whoa hell yea. ^_^
Do you cut your spending in supermarket? No.
Less cigarette (for smokers)? I don't think so.

Result: It's not really happening. Crises = hoax. It's only happening in
there in the US, far far away from here. The media is poisoning your mind.
Wake up, man!

I have a question, a basic one.

We are here to make money, either in stock, future or bond markets. We look
for it, search, discuss and talk on how to find and get it. The question is:
where's the money now? Hint: The US is said to have lost trillions of
dollars on the brink of the economic crises. TO WHOM?

If you can answer this, you'll be a winner. 

Anyway, for US stocks I prefer technology based (internet/software/wireless
telecomms) and health/medical related stocks. I dunno, does IDX have these


2009/2/19 jsx_consultant <jsx-consult...@centrin.net.id>

Embah engga melarang orang untuk kasih rekomendasi saat trading,
biarkan saja MEKANISME PASAR bekerja....

Silahkan buat prediksi, tapi JANGAN lupa untuk menuliskan:
1. ANALISAnya,
2. Grafik tehnical,
3. Sumber research/analis/medianya,
4. Atau berdasar Rumor

Kalo merasa posting akan mencelakakan member OB, tentunya engga
usah dikirim.

Tapi apakah posting akan mencelakan member atau tidak kan SUSAH

Jadi SANTAI aja, kirim pake DISCLAIMER tapi jangan lupa
4 point diatas...

Kalo salah ?.
- Seharusnya member OB sudah tahu member OB yg SENIOR yg mana !!!

Kalo SENIOR salah prediksi ?.
- BIASA BIASA AJA LAH... mana ada sih dibursa ada senior yg
 engga pernah salah, dan member OB kan BISA menilai siapa
 saja yg BERBOBOT dan bisa DIPERCAYA..

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, fuyi <anip...@...> wrote:
> wah, padahal saya yang newbi asli ini baru buy kalau dah ada petuah
> aba-2 dari para suhu disini lho,.. lha kalau aba-2 nya baru
> sesudah sesiie... oh kemana aku harus mencari panduan?..... jangan
> mbah...kasihanilah kami....

> Pada 19 Februari 2009 18:00, JT <jsxtra...@...> menulis:

> >    Bener banget itu Mbah.., apalagi saat ini saya pikir hampir
semua orang
> > trading, mungkin termasuk si BOZZ juga..., Jadi memang TAKTIK
> > sebaiknya tidak diungkapkan di milis, jadi saya rasa sebaiknya
> > UNDERGROUND dulu lah, sampai situasi membaik.
> >
> >
> >
> > Mengenai HEXA kemarin, saya hanya jawab pertanyaan seseorang,
> > direspond dan di counter sama BD. Kedepannya saya hanya akan jawab
> > pertanyaan teman-teman setelah sesi trading selesai, agar tidak
> > yg punya hajat.
> >
> >
> >
> > Pemahaman TA yg tidak sama seringkali juga menimbulkan salah
> > dan malah bisa menjerumuskan, ini yg saya tidak mau.
Contohnya 'next
> > test'.., sering kali diartikan sebagai 'target', padahal jelas
> > bukan itu.., jadi kedepannya kita akan kurangi analisa atau
statement saat
> > trading hour sedang berjalan, ini untuk menghindari lalat2 muda
> > running trade.., hehe
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Rgds,
> >
> > JT
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:
> > obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of jsx_consultant
> > Sent: 19 Februari 2009 16:37
> > To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI technical sesi 1, The TRUTH is
> > unveiled... (Buat Lalat muda !!!)
> >
> >
> >
> > Medan perang BURSA merupakan medan perang yg SANGAT DINAMIS.
> >
> > TAKTIK MUSLIHAT merupakan senjata yg paling canggih untuk
> >
> > MENGECOH dan mengalahkan lawan....
> >
> >
> >
> > Sesuatu taktik yg diexpose dimilis akan mengakibatkan perubahan
> >
> > taktik yg sedang dijalankan. Jadi soal HEXA itu engga perlu
> >
> > dibicarain nanti pak Oentoeng bisa ketawa terbahak bahak.
> >
> >
> >
> > Contoh taktik perang bursa (BD's EXIT STRATEGY):
> >
> > - Anggap si Aimee BENAR ketika dia bilang bursa bakal ancur.
> >
> >   TAPI faktanya bisa terjadi kejadian yg SEBALIKNYA.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >


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