obama said YES WE CAN.Thanx elaine

Elaine Sui wrote: 
>             Embah jangan panic. Everything is okay, don't worry dear. If you 
> guys can't stand the heat you may step aside and watch the show. You will 
> miss the train, but at least you don't lose the money. FOCUS ON 
> target in 1-2 years. I really, I mean REALLY suggest all investors (the one 
> with real money) to start to invest in these sectors. Short term trading 
> kills. You think you're good traders, but I see many of you are not. (if 
> you're good, please stand up) . 
>  Take a look at this picture: http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ World_population 
> #The_world. 27s_most_ populous_ nations 
> Prices go up and down, but the population growth rate is always up, means the 
> (real) demand is still THERE. Sorry Embah I can't give any chart (the last 
> time I posted a chart is like 2 yrs ago.. the rotated chart, remember? ^_^ so 
> fugly) So don't worry. If you're still young, you can start to invest now, 
>  Do you drive less? No. Do you eat less? No. Do you often use your phone? 
> Yeah. Internet/Messaging/ F**book? Yeah?... Crackberry? Whoa hell yea. ^_^ Do 
> you cut your spending in supermarket? No. Less cigarette (for smokers)? I 
> don't think so. 
>  Result: It's not really happening. Crises = hoax. It's only happening in 
> there in the US, far far away from here. The media is poisoning your mind. 
> Wake up, man! I have a question, a basic one. We are here to make money, 
> either in stock, future or bond markets. We look for it, search, discuss and 
> talk on how to find and get it. The question is: where's the money now? Hint: 
> The US is said to have lost trillions of dollars on the brink of the economic 
> crises. TO WHOM? 
>  If you can answer this, you'll be a winner. Anyway, for US stocks I prefer 
> technology based (internet/software/ wireless telecomms) and health/medical 
> related stocks. I dunno, does IDX have these sectors?... 
>  Elaine 2009/2/19 jsx_consultant < jsx-consultant@ centrin.net. id > 
> Embah engga melarang orang untuk kasih rekomendasi saat trading, 
> biarkan saja MEKANISME PASAR bekerja.... 
> Silahkan buat prediksi, tapi JANGAN lupa untuk menuliskan: 
> 1. ANALISAnya, 
> 2. Grafik tehnical, 
> 3. Sumber research/analis/ medianya, 
> 4. Atau berdasar Rumor 
> Kalo merasa posting akan mencelakakan member OB, tentunya engga 
> usah dikirim. 
> Tapi apakah posting akan mencelakan member atau tidak kan SUSAH 
> taunya. 
> Jadi SANTAI aja, kirim pake DISCLAIMER tapi jangan lupa 
> 4 point diatas... 
> Kalo salah ?. 
> - Seharusnya member OB sudah tahu member OB yg SENIOR yg mana !!! 
> Kalo SENIOR salah prediksi ?. 
> - BIASA BIASA AJA LAH... mana ada sih dibursa ada senior yg 
>   engga pernah salah, dan member OB kan BISA menilai siapa 
>   saja yg BERBOBOT dan bisa DIPERCAYA.. 
> --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , fuyi <anip...@...> wrote: 
>> wah, padahal saya yang newbi asli ini baru buy kalau dah ada petuah 
> dan 
>> aba-2 dari para suhu disini lho,.. lha kalau aba-2 nya baru 
> diberikan 
>> sesudah sesiie... oh kemana aku harus mencari panduan?.... . jangan 
> dong 
>> mbah...kasihanilah kami.... 
>  > Pada 19 Februari 2009 18:00, JT <jsxtra...@.. .> menulis: 
>  > 
>> >    Bener banget itu Mbah.., apalagi saat ini saya pikir hampir 
> semua orang 
>> > trading, mungkin termasuk si BOZZ juga..., Jadi memang TAKTIK 
> trading 
>> > sebaiknya tidak diungkapkan di milis, jadi saya rasa sebaiknya 
> kita 
>> > UNDERGROUND dulu lah, sampai situasi membaik. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Mengenai HEXA kemarin, saya hanya jawab pertanyaan seseorang, 
> ternyata 
>> > direspond dan di counter sama BD. Kedepannya saya hanya akan jawab 
>> > pertanyaan teman-teman setelah sesi trading selesai, agar tidak 
> mengganggu 
>> > yg punya hajat. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Pemahaman TA yg tidak sama seringkali juga menimbulkan salah 
> interpretasi 
>> > dan malah bisa menjerumuskan, ini yg saya tidak mau. 
> Contohnya 'next 
>> > test'.., sering kali diartikan sebagai 'target', padahal jelas 
> maksudnya 
>> > bukan itu.., jadi kedepannya kita akan kurangi analisa atau 
> statement saat 
>> > trading hour sedang berjalan, ini untuk menghindari lalat2 muda 
> kesundut 
>> > running trade.., hehe 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Rgds, 
>> > 
>> > JT 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > -----Original Message----- 
>> > From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto: 
>> > obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com ] On Behalf Of jsx_consultant 
>> > Sent: 19 Februari 2009 16:37 
>> > To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
>> > Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BUMI technical sesi 1, The TRUTH is 
>> > unveiled... (Buat Lalat muda !!!) 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Medan perang BURSA merupakan medan perang yg SANGAT DINAMIS. 
>> > 
>> > TAKTIK MUSLIHAT merupakan senjata yg paling canggih untuk 
>> > 
>> > MENGECOH dan mengalahkan lawan.... 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Sesuatu taktik yg diexpose dimilis akan mengakibatkan perubahan 
>> > 
>> > taktik yg sedang dijalankan. Jadi soal HEXA itu engga perlu 
>> > 
>> > dibicarain nanti pak Oentoeng bisa ketawa terbahak bahak. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Contoh taktik perang bursa (BD's EXIT STRATEGY): 
>> > 
>> > - Anggap si Aimee BENAR ketika dia bilang bursa bakal ancur. 
>> > 
>> >   TAPI faktanya bisa terjadi kejadian yg SEBALIKNYA. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
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