To Aimee,

Sebaiknya anda menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia saja karena
isi tulisan anda sudah termasuk BERAT, apalagi kalo dalam
bahasa Inggris, jadi tambah berat lagi.

Mungkin kalo pake bahasa Indonesia bisa menjadi ADU ARGUMEN 

--- In, Felicia Rumondor 
<felicia_rumon...@...> wrote:
> hihihi ngga komentar deh
> --- On Mon, 2/23/09, Rei <highwaysta...@...> wrote:
> From: Rei <highwaysta...@...>
> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] A Snap Punchliner
> To:
> Date: Monday, February 23, 2009, 11:02 AM
> Ini RS sepertinya ngomong mengenai dunianya sendiri, dunia yg hanya 
dia sendiri ngerti hehehe
> What's your point Aimee? Make it to the point for us to get them...
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 5:58 PM, Dean Earwicker <dean.earwicker@> wrote:
> Saya punya 3 pertanyaan penting:
> Bisa bhs Indonesia engga? Mbak Aimee kelihatan lebih cantik dan 
lucu kalau pakai bahasa Indonesia.
> Kenal sama Budi Anduk?
> Yang bener, masa engga kenal?
> Btw, eropa ijo royo-royo <--biar engga oot.
> Regards,
> DE
> 2009/2/23 RATU SIMA <ratus...@gmail. com>
> Bro Aria,
> It's ALL about money. No matter how significant people regard him 
as a Super Human-like thing on this planet. I just DON'T think so. 
> Market reactions are always negating his every new decision in his 
new occupancy. Why?
> Nationalizing its 1 or 2 banks WILL trigger tens, hundreds, and 
even thousands of financial institutions in the country. It is a 
saving-life scenario by betting its own HEART as its most vital body 
> Again Bro, U might be a knocker in charting, BUT if U research it 
back when almost all the world stock indices formed bearish wedge by 
the end of 08 & early 2009 as well as its rebounds have been much 
shorter than its corrections. It obviously means that market is still 
down the hill.
> Kay bro... this is coming down to a larger scene which is 
economically falling into the failure of Keynesian. The cure is NOT 
YET FOUND. I'm convinced.. Next time I'm going to explain it in clear-
cut words.
> So bullish time = )!(@*#*$&$&^%#|+...@%^$#*&)%&_%*(_^%$#
> Love,
> Aimee

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