Pros Say: Time to Buy — Quick!
By: | 13 Apr 2009 | 04:54 PM ET 
The pros showed lots of caution as the markets move deeper into earnings 
season, suspecting pullbacks after several strong weeks.  The earnings of 
financial companies will be of particular interest this week, but surprises are 
less likely.  When the U.S. economy recovers, it is likely to do so before 
those of either Japan or Europe, because the U. S. has acted much more swiftly, 
forcefully, and, one hopes, appropriately.
Doll: If You Haven't Been Buying, You Better Start
BlackRock's Bob Doll said we are now five months into the bottoming process; we 
have seen the bottom, but we have not solved all our problems, "the banking 
system and real estate key among them."  If you haven't put anything into the 
market during the bottoming, you've got to buy now, because the bias is to the 
upside; if you've been buying all along, you don't have to be a hero and jump 
in deeper.  The bears are going to look for bad earnings to bring things down.

comment : yo telatt mas

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