Just to make claer,
I DO Believe Mr JT and the team WILL LISTEN to this advice.

Tau lah reputasinya Mr. JT ....kind people & suka membantu
(sayang ane tinggal jauuuuh dr Jkt, ane pingin banget ikutan kursusnya Mr

2009/4/30 tora <kopitorab...@gmail.com>

>  ato gimana kalo gini eL,
> setiap trainers harus donate 5 lot BNBR dari setiap peserta workshop :-),
> terutama peserta dari OB.
> kalo di kantoran, kira-kira mirip dengan istilah "pajak ditanggung
> perusahaan", hehehe....
> dijamin deh, makin heboh program 5 lot BNBR till Dec 2009 for OB.
> makin banyak yg mau belajar plus beramal :-))
> to Mr.JT and the gank..... jangan pelototin ane ya...
> sekedar saran aja kok, gak OK jg gpp... hehehe....
> btw, ane pengen ikutan sekolah nih, tp lg sering tugas keluar kota.
> tempo hari ngimel tanya info workshop, tp tau-tau di list udah masuk di
> tanggal 9, padahal ane gak ada booking apapun.... cuma tanya info kapan
> diadakan dan biayanya. ato mungkin itu bukan ane kali ya... kebetulan aja
> sama namanya, kalo emang begituya maap :)
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Elaine Sui <elainesu...@gmail.com>
> *To:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 30, 2009 11:08 PM
> *Dear JT, JH, TT, Billy and all trainers.. listen to me.
> Please, if you wish, tell your trainees to donate for OB. Only IDR200k
> worth 5 lots of BNBR until Dec 09. Consider that for your course
> advertisement fee in OB.
> I know OB is a free community BUT you did use it for commercial purpose.
> Don't tell me you can't do that. OB help you, you help OB. It's called
> mutualism, win-win solution, so is it a deal..?
> To anyone who attend this course, if THEY don't tell you to donate, please
> report to me.
> Elaine**
> *

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