menurut saya 1600 bukan crash pak

Miss eLaine pernah bilang ada partner asing mau tambah porto mereka di 
Indonesia karena shifting ekonomi dunia berfokus  ke Asia, jadi kemungkinan 
ketika asing mau masuk Indonesia minta 'space' untuk dapet barang di harga 
murah tentunya
toh di akhir email nya bilang Relax and enjoy the ride


berikut email dari Miss eLaine

Enbah dapet email dari Elaine yg isinya sbb:

Hello dear,

Just wanna share tou you that our roadshow is one big success. We made some 
agreement with institutional investors from US, Middle East, Japan and China to 
invest in Indonesia as its economy has been proven to be less affected from the 
global crisis and even have stronger GDP and domestic market. As you can see, 
many foreign analysts have been focusing more on Indonesia, while the rest have 
been making some upgrades in particular industry, mainly commodity and energy 

We agree that the economy is shifting to the eastern part of the hemisphere 
(Asia). That's the plan. However I expect to see a minor decline perhaps until 
June (my target was 1600 but ppl got greedy and it overshot to like 1900 right? 

We already sent instructions to our Jakarta and Singapore based dealers to make 
some 'space' for this fresh fund, and considering the size of it we expect that 
it may take some time to fill in. This is NOT hot money, this one is real, so 
just sit back, relax, enjoy the ride. .



From: JsxTrader™ <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 4:48:28 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG 1600 darimana?

Yup, dan prediksinya jauh melampaui target, jadi die bilang "people get 
greedy...", jd dipersepsikan bakal balik lagi ke 1600.., Hehe.., padahal emang 
over target aja which is harusnya bagus lah....

Trus kebetulan itungan koreksi EW juga ke situ (1600), jadi pada tambah heboh 
dah... Hehe..

Can we say ihsg down to 1600 adalah crash?? Any comment Pak DE? Anyone?

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From: Dean Earwicker 
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 16:37:06 +0700
To: <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG 1600 darimana?
EL prediksi 1600 juni kl ga salah waktu ihsg masih 1200an, ternyata april kena. 
Jadi itu prediksi sudah lama sekali, kl gak salah awal2 tahun. sptnya ada salah 
persepsi, krn waktu itupun byk yang gak percaya. entah skrg prediksi itu di 
blow up lagi.. ada apa ya.. so far sih dia masih bullish sptnya.



2009/5/19 Greg Hadiwinata <ghadiwinata@>

Embah kyknya yakin IHSG akan dibawa ke 1600... dan kl gak salah ada yg mention 
kl yg prediksi itu si Elaine, bener gak sih?

Kl bener, di posting yg mana yah si Elaine prediksi 1600? Thanks.


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