Rekan-rekan milis OB yang saya hormati,
Rekan-rekan milis saham yang saya hormati, (Bang Ian, mohon ijin crossposting)
Pak Aria, Ruz7, dan Harry yang saya banggakan,
Pak Paul yang baik,

Mohon maaf, saya baru dapat merespon mengenai diskusi hangat mengenai BUMI dan 
KIPS BUMI di milis kita tercinta sekarang ini, karena kesibukan saya yang tidak 
bisa saya tinggalkan.

Postingan Pak Paul merupakan postingan yang membuka mata. Bisa jadi sebagian 
besar komunitas pasar modal, terutama Investor BUMI, memikirkan hal yang sama, 
dan berpendapat sama, namun tidak menemukan jalan untuk sampai kepada kita 
semua. Untuk hal ini, kita semua, terutama saya, patut berterima kasih kepada 
Pak Paul.

Masalah akuisisi 3 perusahaan oleh PT. Bumi Resources, telah ditanggapi oleh 
Bapepam (Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal). Tanggapan Bapepam adalah dengan meminta 
pihak independen untuk melakukan penilaian terhadap penilaian yang dilakukan 
oleh penilai yang ditunjuk perseroan (Yanuar Bey). Ditunjuklah MAPPI 
(Masyarakat Profesi Penilai Independen) untuk melaksanakan tugas mulia ini.

Langkah Bapepam ini telah memberikan hasil. Sebagian hasil akhir dan 
akibat-akibatnya kalau tidak salah menyebutkan bahwa regulator menyatakan bahwa 
Perseroan tidak diwajibkan untuk meminta keputusan RUPS Independen karena tidak 
material. Ini regulator yang bicara, berdasarkan regulasi atau hukum positif.

Dari hasil penilaian MAPPI, ada satu akuisisi yang dinyatakan bermasalah, yakni 
FBS yang dinyatakan dibeli dengan harga yang kemahalan. Lalu manajemen 
memberikan reaksi positif terhadap penilaian ini, dengan tindakan negosiasi 
ulang, bahkan manajemen kalau tidak salah menyatakan bahwa kalau negosiasi 
ulangnya tidak berhasil, transaksi bisa dibatalkan.

Tidak ingin membawa-bawa seluruh anggota KIPS BUMI, saya sekarang ini tidak 
berbicara mewakili KIPS BUMI. Ijinkanlah saya dibawah ini menyatakan pemikiran 
dan pendapat saya pribadi.

Regulator yang netral (independen, tidak dipengaruhi oleh pihak manapun, dan 
karena posisinya adalah pemerintahan, tentunya mengambil posisi yang mengayomi 
seluruh rakyatnya, yang diantaranya adalah emiten maupun investor), meminta 
bantuan auditor independen (auditor, yang memiliki kode etik sendiri yang 
sangat dijunjung tinggi) dan manajemen memberikan reaksi positif. Saya tidak 
melihat jalan lain, selain mendukung hal ini.

Anggaplah saya sebagai Investor publik PT Bumi Resources tidak mendukung hal 
ini, saya bisa apa? 

Sedari awal sampai sekarang dan selalu disampaikan kepada para wartawan yang 
bertanya kepada saya (tapi entah mengapa tidak dimuat, mengenai hal ini) bahwa 
KIPS BUMI hadir untuk mendukung dunia permodalan di tanah air. KIPS BUMI 
bercita cita untuk dapat melihat bursa yang dipercaya, dengan dorongan bagi 
para emiten untuk melaksanakan good corporate governance dan transparansi, 
serta dukungan kepada regulator untuk dapat menjadi wasit dan hakim yang adil 
bagi kita semua. Betapa rindunya saya, melihat adanya perusahaan yang IPO di 
BEI, dengan hasil IPO yang akan digunakan untuk bersaing di tataran global! 
Kalau bursa kita tidak dipercaya, rasanya kita semua tidak akan pernah bisa 
menyaksikan hal itu.

Kalau saya tidak mendukung langkah regulator dan menyampahkan hasil karya rekan 
sebangsa dan setanah air di MAPPI, apa gunanya buat kita semua?

Oetomo Rully Susanto
"A lot of people die fighting tyranny. The least I can do is vote against it."
- Carl Icahn at Texaco annual meeting. Jan. 20, 1988

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: jsx_consultant 
  Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 5:40 PM
  Subject: Re: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: â?~No Probe? No Problemâ?T - APA GUE 

  Pak Paul SUDAH minta maaf dan sudah MENARIK statement yg menyinggung
  pak Rully... Pak Rully juga menerima permintaan maaf pak Paul kan ?.

  Case is CLOSED... We are all brother and sister, rite ?.

  Embah tadi sengaja melepaskan perdebatan ini dimilis untuk
  menjadi pembelajaran: 
  - Kalo posting, konsentrasi pada masalah dan jangan pada PRIBADI,
  Kalo pak Paul mengutarakan masalahnya pada pak Rully secara
  baik baik, kan engga akan ada KERIBUTAN ini. Malah akan jadi
  topik yg menarik.

  --- In, "Vaulstrad" <vaulst...@...> wrote:
  > Sorry rully that me just upset from the article from Jakarta Globe. There 
is no need to go to court to prove. because i have nothing to prove. 
  > I am one of the minority shareholder. Of course we depend on you. Please 
kindly explain why there is sudden change. 
  > My mistake for my statement. I fully take it back. Hope you forgive me. Of 
course all statement below are for jokes only. Like margin call etc. But if you 
take that seriously I am sorry.
  > --- In, "Rully" <rullymainsaham@> wrote:
  > >
  > > PH,
  > > 
  > > Would you be kind enough to clarify this allegation? Or should we go to 
court so you can prove your allegation?
  > > 
  > > Salam,
  > > Rully
  > > 
  > > 
  > > ----- Original Message ----- 
  > > From: PHâ"¢ 
  > > To: 
  > > Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 12:04 PM
  > > Subject: [ob] Bumi Investors Say: â?~No Probe? No Problemâ?T - APA GUE 
  > > 
  > > 
  > > 
  > > 
  > > 
  > > 
  > > Even leader / representative of Minority shareholder bisa di beli... ;( 
  > > Takut kali kalau masalah ini berlanjut saham dia nanti kena margin 
call... jadi boke... dan mendingan jg terima duit dulu dari orang tertentu....
  > > 
  > > 
  > > ---------------------------------------
  > > 
  > > Bumi Investors Say: â?~No Probe? No Problemâ?T
  > > In 2007, Indonesia was ranked worst out of 11 regional markets in the 
Asian Corporate Governance Association survey, and, judging by the market 
regulatorâ?Ts apparent whitewash of the PT Bumi Resources probe, nothing much 
has changed. 
  > > 
  > > However, despite the potential damage to the credibility of the bourse 
and the regulator â?" not to mention the interests of small investors â?" it 
now appears that itâ?Ts a case of â?oout of sight, out of mind,â? with 
analysts and even Bumiâ?Ts minority shareholders suddenly saying they are happy 
with the decision of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory 
Agency (Bapepam-LK). 
  > > 
  > > In January, the agency launched a probe into the Bumiâ?Ts purchase of 
three coal firms â?" PT Darma Henwa, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti and PT Pendopo Energi 
Batubara â?" for a total of Rp 6.18 trillion ($593 million) after an investor 
and media outcry over allegations that the acquisitions were overpriced. 
  > > 
  > > It was also alleged that the acquisitions amounted to a material 
transaction requiring the approval of Bumi shareholders â?" which was never 
given â?" ­and that some of the coal firms were actually affiliated with 
Bumiâ?Ts owners, the Bakrie group of companies, through obscure 
cross-shareholding arrangements. 
  > > 
  > > However, after a seemingly interminable probe that included the 
recruitment of an outside appraiser, the only fault Bapepam could come up with 
was that the price paid for one of the targets, PT Fajar Bumi Sakti, was Rp 370 
billion too high. 
  > > 
  > > But even here Bumi was given an easy way out â?" all it had to do was 
renegotiate the price and bring it down to a â?oreasonableâ? level, which it 
says it is now in the process of doing. 
  > > 
  > > The market watchdog also let Bumi off the hook on the material 
transaction question, saying that since the transactions took place in 
different fiscal years the issue of materiality did not arise â?" a view that 
many would consider excessively legalistic given that all of the transactions 
took place within little more than one week. Dharma Henwa was bought on Dec. 
30, Pendopo Energi Batubara on Jan. 5 and Fajar Bumi Sakti on Jan. 7. 
  > > 
  > > Capital market regulations designed to protect the interests of minority 
shareholders require a company to seek shareholder approval for a transaction 
if its value exceeds 10 percent of the companyâ?Ts revenue or 20 percent of its 
market value. In this case, the combined value of the transactions would have 
required such approval had they not been completed in different years. 
  > > 
  > > On the affiliation issue, Bapepam has completely abandoned its 
investigation without coming up with any findings, saying that the question is 
now irrelevant. 
  > > 
  > > Indra Safitri, an independent capital market legal consultant, said that 
Bapepam had based its actions on the findings of the independent appraiser. 
  > > 
  > > â?oThe other issues become irrelevant if the prices paid are 
reasonable,� he said, when asked whether the market watchdog was justified in 
abandoning its affiliation probe. 
  > > 
  > > Meanwhile, a representative of Bumiâ?Ts minority shareholders, Rully 
Oetomo, said: â?oWe welcome the fact that Bumiâ?Ts management is willing to 
renegotiate and seek a better price for Fajar Bumi.� 
  > > 
  > > Rully said that since the transactions were found to have been 
nonmaterial, Bumi would not now have to seek shareholder approval. A meeting 
had been scheduled for this purpose this coming Friday. 
  > > 
  > > â?oWe will not push Bapepam to continue the investigation into the 
affiliation issue if we are happy with the price,� Rully said. 
  > > 
  > > But despite the newfound acquiescence of the companyâ?Ts shareholders, 
doubts nevertheless persist, not to mention concerns over the future of 
corporate governance here as a whole, with one analyst having aptly 
characterized the entire affair as â?onothing more than a game.â?
  > > 
  > > 
  > > Jakarta Globe
  > >


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