Indonesia, Vying to Enter BRIC, Has Star Role in ‘Chindonesia’ 

By Arijit Ghosh
July 11 (Bloomberg) -- Indonesia’s economy may double in the next six years as 
the world’s biggest exporter of power- station coal and largest producer of 
palm oil taps surging demand from India and China, CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets 
China, India and Indonesia will generate $10 trillion of wealth for investors 
by 2015, Nicholas Cashmore, head of Indonesia research at CLSA Asia-Pacific 
Markets, said in a note titled “Chindonesia: Enter the Komodo,” a reference to 
the reptile found only in eastern Indonesia. The three economies are Asia’s 
“next growth triangle,” he said.
Feeding the needs of the world’s two most-populated nations as demand from 
Western countries slows may help President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyonomeet his 
target of boosting growth to 7 percent in his second term. Indonesia wants be 
included among the so-called BRIC nations of Brazil, Russia, India and China, 
Emil Salim, a presidential adviser, said.
“Together, China and India are increasingly becoming the biggest marketplace 
for almost everything sold on the planet,” Cashmore said in the report 
published yesterday. Indonesia plays a symbiotic role in the emergence of China 
and India and “as this role becomes more pronounced in years to come, it will 
boost growth, investment and consumption.”
India’s industrial production increased at the fastest pace in eight months in 
May, the statistics agency said yesterday. The South Asian nation, the biggest 
buyer of Indonesia’s palm oil and cashew, may overtake China next year as the 
world’s fastest growing major economy, according to the World Bank.
BRIC Membership
China’s economy will expand 7.2 percent in 2009 from a year earlier, the 
Washington-based lender said. Indonesia’s exports to China grew 16 percentlast 
year, compared with a 10.7 percent expansion in demand from the U.S., the 
second-largest buyer of Indonesian products.
Indonesia’s economic acceleration provides a case for its inclusion among the 
BRIC economies, Morgan Stanley said in a report to clients last month.
The $433 billion economy can expand “significantly” more than 7 percent once 
Yudhoyono fixes the nation’s congested roads, neglected ports and ageing power 
plants, according to Joachim von Amsberg, the World Bank’s representative in 
Yudhoyono is set to win a second term after presidential elections this week, 
providing the 59-year-old former general with a mandate to double spending on 
roads and power to $140 billion by 2014.
Congested Roads
Fixing Indonesia’s congested roads, neglected ports and ageing power plants 
needs to be among Yudhoyono’s top priorities for him to achieve his goal of 
boosting growth and reducing poverty, according to nine of 11 chief executive 
officers contacted in the past month by Bloomberg News.
He also needs to improve transparency in Indonesia’s legal system and reduce 
corruption to attract global investors, the survey found.
“Keeping the drive for fair and transparent practices and processes, which 
helps secure a level playing field for all,” will help business in Indonesia, 
Stuart Dean, Southeast Asia president of General Electric Co. said in a 
response to the survey last month.
In 2007, Tata Power Co., which is building a 4,000-megawatt plant in western 
India, bought a 30 percent stake in two coal mining units owned by Indonesia’s 
PT Bumi Resources. The $4.14 billion plant will run on coal from the Indonesian 
India’s coal imports will more than double to 100 million tons by 2012 from 40 
million tons, estimates Kaamil Fareed, a senior trading manager at the Coal & 
Oil Group, which supplies coal in India and Pakistan. That’s about 40 percent 
of Indonesia’s estimated coal production for this year.
“As a leading supplier of commodities, Indonesia is leveraged to the growth of 
Chindia,” Cashmore said referring to China and India. “Indonesia is ready to 
rise in the world economic hierarchy and take its place alongside China and 

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