For record only :
2050-2050 = 0

--- In, "ichingprediction" <wimanto...@...> 
> ICHING answer :
> Apa yang terjadi dengan BUMI hari ini?
> Yin (Old)
> Yin (New)
> Yang (Old)
> Yin (New)
> Yin (Old)
> Yang (Old)
>       The present is embodied in Hexagram 51 - Chen (Shock): There is an 
> intimation of ease and development. When the time of movement comes, the 
> subject will be found looking out with apprehension, yet smiling and talking 
> cheerfully. When the movement, like a crash of thunder, terrifies all within 
> a hundred li, he will be like the sincere worshipper, who is not startled 
> into letting go his ladle and cup of sacrificial spirits.
>       The first (bottommost) line, undivided, shows its subject, when the 
> movement approaches, looking out and around with apprehension, and afterwards 
> smiling and talking cheerfully. There will be good fortune.
>       The second line, divided, shows its subject, when the movement 
> approaches, in a position of peril. He judges it better to let go the 
> articles in his possession, and to ascend a very lofty height. There is no 
> occasion for him to pursue the things he has let go, for in seven days he 
> will find them.
>       The fourth line, undivided, shows its subject, amid the startling 
> movements, supinely sinking deeper in the mud.
>       The topmost line, divided, show its subject, amidst the startling 
> movements of the time, in breathless dismay and looking round him with 
> trembling apprehension. If he take action, there will be evil. If, while the 
> startling movements have not reached his own person and his neighbourhood, he 
> were to take precautions, there would be no error, though his relatives might 
> still speak against him.
>       The situation is changing rapidly, but neither Yin (the passive 
> feminine force) nor Yang (the active masculine force) is gaining ground.
> Yang (New)
> Yin (New)
> Yin (New)
> Yin (New)
> Yang (New)
> Yin (New)
>       The future is embodied in Hexagram 4 - Meng (Youthful Folly): There 
> will be progress and success. I do not go and seek the youthful and 
> inexperienced, but he comes and seeks me. When he shows the sincerity that 
> marks the first recourse to divination, I instruct him. If he apply a second 
> and third time, that is troublesome, and I do not instruct the troublesome. 
> There will be advantage in being firm and correct.
>       The things most apparent, those above and in front, are embodied by the 
> upper trigram Chen (Thunder), which is tansforming into Ken (Mountain). As 
> part of this process, movement, initiative, and action are giving way to 
> stillness and obstruction.
>       The things least apparent, those below and behind, are embodied by the 
> lower trigram Chen (Thunder), which is transforming into K'an (Water). As 
> part of this process, movement, initiative, and action are giving way to 
> danger and the unknown.
> ------
> Interpretasi ane : BUMI turun
> Disc. on.

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