Berhati mulia dan berkantong tebal pastinya. Heheh. Thanks for sharing pak SB.

On 8/11/09, jsx_consultant <> wrote:
> Pak SB, anda LUAR BIASA !!!!
> Note:
> - Pak SB, DJI saat ini sudah -77 jam 1:21 pagi, apakah DJI
>   masih kuat naik.
> - Apakah sebelum ayam berkokok 3 kali pagi ini, DJI bisa rebound ?
> Dalam beberapa hari kedepan, analis yg bisa memprediksi dengan
> tepat --> analis yg HEBAT plus BERHATI MULIA...
> --- In, Stock Breeder <stock.bree...@...>
> wrote:
>> Finally today BNBR reached the 144 Target Price as per mail subject.. Not
>> bad if you succeed to sell at the TP hahhh???.. 144 - 103 (1st posting) =
>> 41 points or around 39.8% in not even 2 weeks LOL^^..
>> Anyway as usual let's review today's movement.. Although today's price
>> movement being supported by the high level of volume.. But if you're
>> willing to explore it then you'll find interesting facts that ANOTHER 60
>> BIO CAPITAL FLIGHT has been soared from BNBR today!!!.. Anyway my 144 TP
>> has been fast forwarded by several good news of recovery.. Let's move
>> forward.. I'll set my next TP at 205.. If this 205 can be reached then
>> further TP will be 235.. But for now we'll have a consolidation first
>> while waiting for 144 to be closed perfectly and turn as our strong
>> support..
>> My strategy for August 11th, 2009 will be as usual.. "Tik Tok trading"
>> with resistant at 144-149 area.. And support at 129-134 area.. The
>> SHOOTING STAR added with several STRONGER OVER BOUGHT indicators will push
>> down the up movement for a while.. But don't worry this is a good one for
>> you to keep.. Let's see :)..
>> Have a nice trade ^^
>> ----- Forwarded Message ----
>> From: Stock Breeder <stock.bree...@...>
>> To:
>> Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 1:03:07 AM
>> Subject: BNBR 2 weeks more than 20%.. Target Price "STILL" 144 (the 5th
>> day)
>> Hope all of you know that it was not just me who feel uncomfortable about
>> BNBR rush movement.. Solid proof for that is last Thursday net selling or
>> you may say it as more than 40 Bio Profit Taking.. But don't worry our
>> target will still be closed the empty land at 144.. It will be happened
>> shortly but I would be very careful if I'm a BNBR holder.. Actually last
>> Friday the sign has been shown up when the price can't soar trespass it's
>> first resistant area at 132-135 (please refer to previous posting)..
>> from UPPER BB then I recommend to SHORT BNBR at the 135-138 area!!!.. "TIK
>> TOK" will be the best trading strategy for this!!!.. If the good news is
>> still up in the air and regional support then you may hold your BNBR at
>> least for another day until we check the movement again.. but if the
>> others situation happens then discard BNBR for a while.. Let's give a
>> healty correction around
>>  120-124 area before we go to our 144 Target Price =).. Please no hard
>> feeling for such analysis anyway it has been soaring 28 points or around
>> 27% from my first posting
>> --> please refer to the "BNBR 888" mail subject where the price
>> closed at 103 back there (3rd of August 2009)..
>> Have a nice trade ^^
>> ----- Forwarded Message ----
>> From: Stock Breeder <stock.bree...@...>
>> To:
>> Sent: Friday, August 7, 2009 1:09:46 AM
>> Subject: BNBR 2 weeks more than 20%.. Target Price 144 (the 4th day)
>> As usual let's recap today's highlight..
>> After 3 days defending the 2650 base line finally the Bozz has decided to
>> bring BUMI upward.. And as u know if BUMI go up then all of BG related
>> automatically will have the same momentum.. In this case let's talk about
>> BNBR as the stockpick per mail subject..
>> Today's candle being colored up with another net accumulation for almost
>> 40 Bio for BNBR.. We're going north and already in the empty land now
>> where our closest target will be closed the empty land at 144.. Price up
>> supported with a good volume but tomorrow rally will facing difficulties
>> from the Over Bought technical condition and also the pressure from upper
>> BB.. So basically now is the battle between the power of money vs. the
>> technical correction.. For sure the money will win but I defend with
>> logical view n I'm expecting a narrow spread closed with a red candle just
>> for the sake of a break so we can have a sexier candle for the near
>> future.. Why bother pushing the price with such a "rude" game Bozz???.. A
>> pretier game will ease your effort n save more cost right???.. Unless
>> you're being chased by a target hihihihihihihi ;p..
>> So if tomorrow start with a gap up then my strategy will be SELL at the
>> 1st support line at 132-135 area..I'll defend the 118-123 line for my
>> cover zone.. So prepare ur trailing stop especially if some Profit Taking
>> happened again like what we've seen near the closing price ;p.. How bout
>> if the price just turn around 2-3 steps from the pivot point???.. Simple
>> just "tik tok" it ;p.. But make sure you'll cover.. Coz this one of the
>> stock that is a good enough to be collected at least until the end of this
>> year..
>> * Btw it has been soaring 24 points or around 23% from my first posting
>> --> please refer to the "BNBR 888" mail subject where the price closed at
>> 103 back there (3rd of August 2009).. But dont worry we'll have more in
>> the upcoming days =)
>> Have a nice trade ^^
>> ----- Forwarded Message ----
>> From: Stock Breeder <stock.bree...@...>
>> To:
>> Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2009 1:07:01 AM
>> Subject: BNBR 2 weeks more than 20%.. Target Price 144
>> Dear Mbah,
>> As requested.. Hope the mail subject is interesting enough ^^..
>> Recap for today.. As expected a red doji in BNBR.. Don't worry it's a good
>> signal though!.. Just take a look how sexy the candle leg looks like ;p..
>> This red doji will gives us a healthier air to breathe.. But 2 be honest
>> I'm expecting a similar doji appear again tommorow.. Why?.. Beacause
>> currently BNBR CS is not giving enough room for upside pressure.. Still
>> playing around outside its upper band BB.. Reward is lower than risk!!!..
>> And another red doji will help to bring the indicators out from the Over
>> Bought area.. Anyway we have a short game situation today.. But as you see
>> the price being push upward minutes before closing.. Why???.. Because the
>> money is not going out mates hihihihihi.. Result of the day: The Bozz gain
>> money from the short game result n Bozz also add up approximately another
>> 10 Bio collection in his grain.. Tell me whether that's a distribution or
>> an accumulation??? *wink*
>> Now let's talk about our strategy tomorrow.. For investor.. Just hold n
>> keep it tight no need to bother to sell.. But for trader.. Please join me
>> with a "tik tok" game for tommorow.. I'll sell half of my BNBR at opening
>> at 115-117 range.. SELL ALL if it being pushed up to reach the 120-124
>> range!!!.. Scared of being left behind???.. Hehehehe don't follow me then
>> ^^.. After the short game please prepare your arsenal to shoot at 106-111
>> area.. Please do quick cover if suddenly upside pressure shows up (make
>> sure at least the volume worth at least 300 Bio --> for single session)..
>> Do not cut loss!!!.. Use your MM wisely to make sure you don't lose the
>> chance to have a further discount due to regional weather.. Scared of IHSG
>> down pressure???.. Dont worry we have TLKM BBRI ASII to help us to cover
>> that ;p.. Remember we're going to the empty land where the grass is green
>> and the bird is singing =)..
>> Have a nice trade ^^
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