BUMI naik cukup signifikan minggu depan........ ?

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "iching_prediction" 
<iching_predict...@...> wrote:
> Bgm BUMI minggu depan hingga 11 Sept? 5 Sept
> Yin (Old)
> Yin (Old)
> Yin (New)
> Yang (Old)
> Yang (Old)
> Yin (New)
>       The present is embodied in Hexagram 46 - Sheng (Pushing Upward): There 
> will be great progress and success. Seeking to meet with the great man, its 
> subject need have no anxiety. Advance to the south will be fortunate.
>       The second line, undivided, shows its subject with that sincerity which 
> will make even the small offerings of the vernal sacrifice acceptable. There 
> will be no error.
>       The third line, undivided, shows its subject ascending upwards as into 
> an empty city.
>       The fifth line, divided, shows its subject firmly correct, and 
> therefore enjoying good fortune. He ascends the stairs with all due ceremony.
>       the sixth line, divided, shows its subject advancing upwards blindly. 
> Advantage will be found in a ceaseless maintenance of firm correctness.
>       The situation is changing rapidly, but neither Yin (the passive 
> feminine force) nor Yang (the active masculine force) is gaining ground.
> Yang (New)
> Yang (New)
> Yin (New)
> Yin (New)
> Yin (New)
> Yin (New)
>       The future is embodied in Hexagram 20 - Kuan (Contemplation): He should 
> be like the worshipper who has washed his hands, but not yet presented his 
> offerings. There must be sincerity and an appearance of dignity, commanding 
> reverent regard.
>       The things most apparent, those above and in front, are embodied by the 
> upper trigram K'un (Earth), which is tansforming into Sun (Wind). As part of 
> this process, docility and receptivity are giving way to penetration and 
> following.
>       The things least apparent, those below and behind, are embodied by the 
> lower trigram Sun (Wind), which is transforming into K'un (Earth). As part of 
> this process, penetration and following are giving way to docility and 
> receptivity.
> -------------------------------
> Mumpung weekend, ayo nebak BUMI yuukk....

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