> Harga 2000 - 2200 - an...  ngayun dulu ke 1600 - an...  terus mantep
> Harga 3000 - 3200 - an...  udah ngayun kan ke 2600 - an...

Kalo digambar dengan pola 3 Bulan  [:-/]

BUMI - 3m vs 5Hari

BUMI masih mau naik sptnya dengan
Resisten terdekat 3.050 - 3.100

Seperti yg sudah diperkirakan oleh Embah Jsx kemarin  [:D]


BUMI menuju kue Donat


Pola BUMI ini mirip sekali dengan IHSG, atau IHSG isinya BUMI aja kali
ya...  [:)]

IHSG Daily Yahoo Finance

Terselamatkan oleh sesuatu atau memang sedang bingung ?...he he

IHSG - Weekly Yahoo Finance

Apalagi jika dibandingkan dengan SSEC

SSEC Daily Yahoo Finance

SSEC Weekly Yahoo Finance

Pola Downtrendnya masih kelihatan  [:D]

Demikian juga dengan DOW....

naiknya mulai ragu2....VOLUME tipis...

DJI Daily Yahoo Finance

Secara Weekly Pola Bearish masih kelihatan  [:-?]

DJI Weekly Yahoo Finance

Jika melihat analisa dari http://www.asiachart.com/

tentang DOW

29 Agustus 2009

Dow shows ambiguity

29th August: No substantial change from last week. The chart that I am
watching most closely is that of the Dow in the US. It shows a bottom
with breakout, which is bullish. But volume is low since April. The
opposite should be the case: volume should rise as the index breaks the
neckline of the bottom.

A rising wedge pattern is also discernable. This is bearish. If the Dow
breaks out downside from this pattern we would quite likely be looking
at a plunge to recent lows and a longer bottoming period of a year or

If the Dow breaks out from the bearish wedge it is likely that the world
will follow, such being the correlation between markets these days. But
let us not expect the worst. There is still much bullishness in global
markets. European markets are bullish and many emerging markets still
have some upside.

I am going away for a couple of weeks. Next update will be in the middle
of September. By then, with luck, we will have a clearer picture.


Pola CHART DOW, SSEC dan JKSE rata2 sedang ada dalam persimpangan  [:-B]

http://www.asiachart.com/us.html <http://www.asiachart.com/us.html>



Notes : Middle of September 2009

Hampir sama dengan perkiraan Elaine  [:D]


Re: [ob] Re: So lazy market...
Well I never control or manipulate anything, if market goes up after I
leave then what exactly the problem? I'm with the good guys ^_^ But I
see that the market goes nowhere, it's locked. By who? I dunno, perhaps
by your bozz. Or Embah. Or Artororo.   I plan to come back sometimes in
late Oct/early Nov, you make sure I get my discount leh..lolz

All I know right now the market makers are on guard stance, means they
short what you long, and they long what you short. Double kill, while
waiting for more influx of funds, so I expect to see a very tight
trading range (if you insist to waste your worthless time watching lazy
market), or have no trading at all.

Of course you can still make money if you're good, esp from lowcaps.



Menunggu menetasnya telor ayam : Chip n Dale - Chicken in the rough (HQ)
Di bulan September  [B-)]

Have a nice weekend...

Dan Semoga bermanfaat,



--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Alex Muhairuddin
<alexmuhairud...@...> wrote:
> Harga 2000 - 2200 - an...  ngayun dulu ke 1600 - an...  terus mantep
> Harga 3000 - 3200 - an...  udah ngayun kan ke 2600 - an...
> So... asik toh...
> Salam
> On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 1:14 PM, billy_budiman92
> > BUMI naik cukup signifikan minggu depan........ ?
> >
> > --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "iching_prediction"
> > iching_prediction@ wrote:
> > >
> > > Bgm BUMI minggu depan hingga 11 Sept? 5 Sept
> > >
> > > Yin (Old)
> > > Yin (Old)
> > > Yin (New)
> > > Yang (Old)
> > > Yang (Old)
> > > Yin (New)
> > >       The present is embodied in Hexagram 46 - Sheng (Pushing
> > There will be great progress and success. Seeking to meet with the
> > man, its subject need have no anxiety. Advance to the south will be
> > fortunate.
> > >       The second line, undivided, shows its subject with that
> > which will make even the small offerings of the vernal sacrifice
> > There will be no error.
> > >       The third line, undivided, shows its subject ascending
upwards as
> > into an empty city.
> > >       The fifth line, divided, shows its subject firmly correct,
> > therefore enjoying good fortune. He ascends the stairs with all due
> > ceremony.
> > >       the sixth line, divided, shows its subject advancing upwards
> > blindly. Advantage will be found in a ceaseless maintenance of firm
> > correctness.
> > >       The situation is changing rapidly, but neither Yin (the
> > feminine force) nor Yang (the active masculine force) is gaining
> > > Yang (New)
> > > Yang (New)
> > > Yin (New)
> > > Yin (New)
> > > Yin (New)
> > > Yin (New)
> > >       The future is embodied in Hexagram 20 - Kuan
(Contemplation): He
> > should be like the worshipper who has washed his hands, but not yet
> > presented his offerings. There must be sincerity and an appearance
> > dignity, commanding reverent regard.
> > >       The things most apparent, those above and in front, are
embodied by
> > the upper trigram K'un (Earth), which is tansforming into Sun
(Wind). As
> > part of this process, docility and receptivity are giving way to
> > and following.
> > >       The things least apparent, those below and behind, are
embodied by
> > the lower trigram Sun (Wind), which is transforming into K'un
(Earth). As
> > part of this process, penetration and following are giving way to
> > and receptivity.
> > >
> > > -------------------------------
> > > Mumpung weekend, ayo nebak BUMI yuukk....
> > >

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