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Jadi tetap china yg punya gold paling banyak
Bahkan US rank nbr 10 /  A3K

World’s Largest Gold Reserves
by anjan in Economics, May 19, 2009

Gold has an attraction that no one can resist and throughout our history
battles have been fought over it. Our liking for gold is never ending.
Want to know who has the largest gold deposits. Read on to know more.
Gold has been the center of attraction for men for many a generations.
With Gold near the record highs of $1000, let us take a look at who has
the most of this precious metal. Here is a list of the top ten countries
banking the most bullion! (Data is based on the World Gold Council’s
Monthly report and is converted to US short tons at a rate of 1 T =
1.102311 US tons. All monetary estimates are calculated at the rate of 1oz
gold = $1000 US)

1.      China - 661.4 Tons, $21.16 Billion. The world’s most populous country
also has the world’s tenth largest gold reserve. Expect it to be higher?
Well, consider that China’s gold only accounts for 0.9 percent of the
country’s foreign reserves. With a population of 1.3 billion, the country
holds about $16 worth of gold per person, worth a total of $21.16 billion.

2.      European Central Bank, 666.5 Tons, $21.32 Billion. Established in 1998
by the European Union, the European Central Bank is responsible for the
monetary policy of the member nations of the Euro zone and is
headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany. The 666.5 tons of gold accounts for
23.7 percent of the ECB’s foreign reserves and would be worth about $21.32
billion in the open market.

3.      Netherlands, 688.39 Tons, $22.02 Billion. The eight largest reserve on
our list with 688.39 tons of gold is The Netherlands. The Netherland Bank
manages the national finances of the country, including the gold reserves,
which amount to approximately $22.02 billion in the current market and
account for 55.6 percent of the country’s foreign reserves.

4.      Japan, 843.5 Tons, $26.99 Billion. Although, Japan is seventh on the
list, its 843.5 tons of gold account for only 1.8 percent of total foreign
reserves. On the open market, Japan’s gold reserves are worth around
$26.99 billion and are overseen by the Bank of Japan.

5.      Switzerland, 1,285.6 Tons, $41.13 Billion. Conducting Switzerland’s
monetary policy is the Swiss National Bank, which manages the country’s
1,285.6 tons of gold. With the world’s sixth largest reserve of the
precious metal, Switzerland’s stockpile would fetch approximately $41.13
billion in today’s gold market, accounting for 40.3 percent of the
country’s foreign reserves.

6.      Italy, 2,702.6 Tons, $86.48 Billion. The Banca D’Italia is responsible
for Italy’s foreign reserves, which have been reported at about 2,702.6
tons by the World Gold Council. The fifth largest gold reserve in the
world, Italy’s holdings amount to about $86.48 billion, accounting for 64
percent of the country’s foreign reserves.

7.      France, 2,930.4 Tons, $94.50 Billion. The French National Bank, Banque
De France, is the home of the country’s large gold holdings, which account
for 55.2 percent of its foreign reserves. With approximately 2,890.6 tons
of gold in reserve, France’s holdings are worth approximately $94.50

8.      The IMF, 3,546.1 Tons, $113.48 Billion. The IMF oversees international
economic operations of 185 member countries. The IMF’s gold policies have
changed in the last quarter century, but the reserves remain in place for
use in stabilizing international markets and aiding national economies,
such as in December 1999 when it sold a portion of its reserves to aid the
Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative. The 3,546.1 tons of IMF
Gold would fetch approximately $113.48 billion in today’s market.

9.      Germany, 3767.1 Tons, $120.55 Billion. The Deutsche Bundes bank,
Germany’s central bank, has 3,767.1 tons of gold reserves, which are
valued at about $120.55 billion. For Germany, its gold reserves account
for 62.7 percent of total foreign reserves, according to the World Gold

10.     United States, 8,965.6 Tons, $286.89 Billion. Perhaps the most famous
gold depository in the world is the United States Bullion Depository in
Fort Knox, Kentucky. It holds a majority of the US gold reserves, which
are estimated by the US Mint to be approximately 147.3 million ounces, or
approximately 4,603 tons. The United States’ total gold reserves, 8,965.6
tons, are valued at approximately $286.89 billion. The remainder of the US
reserves are held at the Philadelphia Mint, the Denver Mint, the West
Point Bullion Depository and the San Francisco Assay Office.

[] On Behalf Of boyz
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 11:10 PM
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)

Do you have data sources to convince me? thanks.


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:02 PM, jacob oen <> wrote:
Yes, they're probably the biggest Gold miner, aren't they?

And what about "FREEPORT"? Is it belongs to USA?

From: boyz <>

Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 10:48:36 PM
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)

I dont know that US has the most gold in the world. Do you have the data
I think, since US leave Bretton Woods System, they no longer piled it up.
I mean not piled it on national reserves, but i think they just mining it,
produces and sell.
But i dunno if they are biggest gold miner / producer.


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