Thanks info-nya Bro...

Walah... China nomor 10 Bro....
China '*cuma*' punya 661.4 Ton.
US punya 8965.6 Ton.


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:54 PM, <> wrote:

> Ini ada artikel mengenai gold reserves
> Lupa ambil dari mana, tapi tanggalnya cukup recent
> Jadi tetap china yg punya gold paling banyak
> Bahkan US rank nbr 10 /  A3K
> World’s Largest Gold Reserves
> by anjan in Economics, May 19, 2009
> Gold has an attraction that no one can resist and throughout our history
> battles have been fought over it. Our liking for gold is never ending.
> Want to know who has the largest gold deposits. Read on to know more.
> Gold has been the center of attraction for men for many a generations.
> With Gold near the record highs of $1000, let us take a look at who has
> the most of this precious metal. Here is a list of the top ten countries
> banking the most bullion! (Data is based on the World Gold Council’s
> Monthly report and is converted to US short tons at a rate of 1 T =
> 1.102311 US tons. All monetary estimates are calculated at the rate of 1oz
> gold = $1000 US)
> 1.      China - 661.4 Tons, $21.16 Billion. The world’s most populous
> country
> also has the world’s tenth largest gold reserve. Expect it to be higher?
> Well, consider that China’s gold only accounts for 0.9 percent of the
> country’s foreign reserves. With a population of 1.3 billion, the country
> holds about $16 worth of gold per person, worth a total of $21.16 billion.
> 2.      European Central Bank, 666.5 Tons, $21.32 Billion. Established in
> 1998
> by the European Union, the European Central Bank is responsible for the
> monetary policy of the member nations of the Euro zone and is
> headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany. The 666.5 tons of gold accounts for
> 23.7 percent of the ECB’s foreign reserves and would be worth about $21.32
> billion in the open market.
> 3.      Netherlands, 688.39 Tons, $22.02 Billion. The eight largest reserve
> on
> our list with 688.39 tons of gold is The Netherlands. The Netherland Bank
> manages the national finances of the country, including the gold reserves,
> which amount to approximately $22.02 billion in the current market and
> account for 55.6 percent of the country’s foreign reserves.
> 4.      Japan, 843.5 Tons, $26.99 Billion. Although, Japan is seventh on
> the
> list, its 843.5 tons of gold account for only 1.8 percent of total foreign
> reserves. On the open market, Japan’s gold reserves are worth around
> $26.99 billion and are overseen by the Bank of Japan.
> 5.      Switzerland, 1,285.6 Tons, $41.13 Billion. Conducting Switzerland’s
> monetary policy is the Swiss National Bank, which manages the country’s
> 1,285.6 tons of gold. With the world’s sixth largest reserve of the
> precious metal, Switzerland’s stockpile would fetch approximately $41.13
> billion in today’s gold market, accounting for 40.3 percent of the
> country’s foreign reserves.
> 6.      Italy, 2,702.6 Tons, $86.48 Billion. The Banca D’Italia is
> responsible
> for Italy’s foreign reserves, which have been reported at about 2,702.6
> tons by the World Gold Council. The fifth largest gold reserve in the
> world, Italy’s holdings amount to about $86.48 billion, accounting for 64
> percent of the country’s foreign reserves.
> 7.      France, 2,930.4 Tons, $94.50 Billion. The French National Bank,
> Banque
> De France, is the home of the country’s large gold holdings, which account
> for 55.2 percent of its foreign reserves. With approximately 2,890.6 tons
> of gold in reserve, France’s holdings are worth approximately $94.50
> billion.
> 8.      The IMF, 3,546.1 Tons, $113.48 Billion. The IMF oversees
> international
> economic operations of 185 member countries. The IMF’s gold policies have
> changed in the last quarter century, but the reserves remain in place for
> use in stabilizing international markets and aiding national economies,
> such as in December 1999 when it sold a portion of its reserves to aid the
> Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative. The 3,546.1 tons of IMF
> Gold would fetch approximately $113.48 billion in today’s market.
> 9.      Germany, 3767.1 Tons, $120.55 Billion. The Deutsche Bundes bank,
> Germany’s central bank, has 3,767.1 tons of gold reserves, which are
> valued at about $120.55 billion. For Germany, its gold reserves account
> for 62.7 percent of total foreign reserves, according to the World Gold
> Council.
> 10.     United States, 8,965.6 Tons, $286.89 Billion. Perhaps the most
> famous
> gold depository in the world is the United States Bullion Depository in
> Fort Knox, Kentucky. It holds a majority of the US gold reserves, which
> are estimated by the US Mint to be approximately 147.3 million ounces, or
> approximately 4,603 tons. The United States’ total gold reserves, 8,965.6
> tons, are valued at approximately $286.89 billion. The remainder of the US
> reserves are held at the Philadelphia Mint, the Denver Mint, the West
> Point Bullion Depository and the San Francisco Assay Office.
> ________________________________________
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of boyz
> Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 11:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)
> Probably...
> Do you have data sources to convince me? thanks.
> Salam,
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:02 PM, jacob oen <> wrote:
> Yes, they're probably the biggest Gold miner, aren't they?
> And what about "FREEPORT"? Is it belongs to USA?
> ________________________________________
> From: boyz <>
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 10:48:36 PM
> Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)
> I dont know that US has the most gold in the world. Do you have the data
> source?
> I think, since US leave Bretton Woods System, they no longer piled it up.
> I mean not piled it on national reserves, but i think they just mining it,
> produces and sell.
> But i dunno if they are biggest gold miner / producer.
> Thanks,
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