kalo gitu, lebih afdol pakai semi free-float / managed free-float ya?

kalo di manage secara bener & oleh orang yg capable sih pasti bagus kayaknya.
Cuma sayangnya di Indonesia, posisi penting or vital kadang diisi bukan 
berdasarkan prioritas 'the right man on the place'. Sering kali nepotisme 
ataupun alasan politis mengalahkan tujuan well-managed governance.


Elaine Sui wrote:
>  China doesn't use free float for the renminbi yet their stock markets are 
> among the best. Note that pegged currency only works if you have huge 
> reserve, so It really depends. China has $2 trillions of fgn (USD) reserve, 
> Japan has $1 trillions. Indonesia has $0.05 trillions (lol), so Renminbi and 
> Yen are fixed, IDR is free float. In 1997 IDR was pegged to the USD (at IDR 
> 2000 something)  but then when something bad come up, and if ppl sees that 
> you don't have enough reserve , they may SHORT your currency. 
>  Same thing happened to poundsterling in 1992 (Soros made fortune on this one 
> by shorting $10 billions worth of poundsterling, hell that's 1/5 of your 
> total fgn reserve, so 5 ppl like soros technically can bring Indonesia 
> down..sorry) 
>  That's why your govt is selling treasury bonds so much, so everyone will 
> 'protect' the IDR from falling. ehhh, those ppl at the govt are smart, so 
> does your vice prosident, you have to trust them and let them work. 
>  Elaine 2009/9/18  < mr_...@yahoo.com > 
> Devisa bebas bagus untuk stock market, Sejak thailand kontrol devisa stock 
> market nya ngga menarik lagi. Karena risk premium susah keluar mesti di 
> kalkulasi dalam harga  ... Bursa kite kan paling wussss ... Kalo dikontrol 
> menurut hitungan kasar ya jebol 1000 lah bej 
>  Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone From:  "Matt Nowo" < 
> inf...@gmail.com >
>  Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 09:34:25 +0000 To: < obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com > 
> Subject: Re: [ob] Kang Bagus - Apakah Indonesia meminta Inflow Hot Money 
> untuk masuk Kontrak Berjangka Currency? 
> Setauk saya yang telah menerapkan semacam "Chilian tax" di asean adalah malay 
> n thailand. FDI/portfolio investment harus stay beberapa waktu. Indonesia, 
> dalam UU no 24 thn 1999 menyatakan kita (memilih) menganut regime devisa 
> bebas. Dalam kondisi aparatur negara yang belum tertib, maka agak riskan 
> apabila menggunakan regime control devisa. 
>  Sent from my BearBerry® powered by ISAT & TLKM From:  Wong Cilik < 
> gajahpelan...@gmail.com >
>  Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 15:41:54 +1000 To: < obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com > 
> Subject: [ob] Kang Bagus - Apakah Indonesia meminta Inflow Hot Money untuk 
> masuk 
>       Kontrak Berjangka Currency? 
>                   Den Bagus... Tulung tanya, Saya dengar Negara-negara Asean 
> laen menerapkan pembatasan fluktuasi mata uang.  Cara mereka, dengan meminta 
> dana Hot Money yang tidak melakukan FDI untuk masuk kontrak berjangka 
> currency (jadi kurs masuk keluarnya sudah tidak terlalu besar lagi). 
>  Apakah Indonesia ada rencana untuk menerapkan sistem ini? Maksudnya untuk 
> mengurangi spekulasi mata uang yang merusak sendi-sendi ekonomi. 

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