Ane setuju ama kang Ocoy yg SKEPTIC sama BUMI...

Sekarang kita pake SIMPLE THINKING aja deh, smart moneys yg punya analis2
top and pake itung2an ngejelimet serta akses informasi yg lebih canggih aja
*belum ada yg berbondong2 mborong* BUMI (check volume BUMI and ticker
reading-nya), ngapain kita mo ngedahuluin mereka?

kan kalo smart moneys udah ngitung valuasi BUMI pasca ngutang sana sini,
lalu mereka berpikir BUMI merupakan "hidden treasury" yg bakal kinclong
dimasa depan, pasti dari sekarang mereka udah berlomba2 akumulasi.

Hari ini inflow di BUMI? maybe, but pls check today's volume. Berapa banyak
sih yg di akumulasi si BOZZ dgn volume harian segitu?

tapi apakah sekarang timing yg cocok buat nge-short BUMI?
yg paling pas mah waktu 3000an, bareng mBah... atau yg terakhir waktu
kemarin2 di 2800an.
Selama belum ada *negative price with high volume*, konyol kalo mau


On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 2:37 PM, Bagus Putra Perdana <> wrote:

> I do skeptic with BUMI now that they will likely to post awfully
> declining P & L starts from this Q3 09 - A 09 - Q1 010 - Q2 010 Given their
> bleak bottomline outlook and negative FCF.
> But THINK TWICE before u short them coz needless to say ;
> 1) The Price Aint Really Too Pricey Now at Current Level.
> 2) they got 2.5 Bio USD in CASH now. Can U OutWeigh Their Bullet?
> 3) they got ammo's of news and stories upcoming, starts from Herald
> Forestry Pemit to Berau and Maruwai Linkage.
> shorters got a little comforting reasons though ; all the stories is not
> yet really an assets, more like a "liabilities", herald, gallo, citra palu,
> Zfariat wont add up contributing cash even 2 years after their exploration
> Succeded while they were sucking up cash up till now. while Berau, Maruwai,
> Etc would effectly add value but i doubt it would make the bottomline
> forecast improves.
> But Sure U Really wanna challenge 2.5 Bio USD Cash Holders Head-On?!. Think
> Again Dude.

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