Dear Kang Ocoy or Putra,

Undeniably that "Kang Ocoy" is very famous in OB...
as I remember...  Mbah was always looking for you...
Even before I joined OB, I already have the lists of "whose posting to look
at...", "Kang Ocoy" was put as no.2 on the lists.

So it was only my stupidity, that I wasn't aware "Kang Ocoy"
has changed his name in OB.

As I mentioned earlier, I admired Bagus Putra Perdana.
I read all of his posting, even make a copy of his posting.

If you look at the title closely...
that "Most Wanted" doesn't mean to be
"The Best Technicalist and Fundamentalist".
There are couple of the selected person has no TA/FA basis.
And also, that was only my individual fun picking.

So don't get me wrong,  you are one of the BEST for sure...!
Keep up your good work and keep posting.
I'll be waiting...
Don't disappoint me...

On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 12:11 AM, Bagus Putra Perdana <> wrote:

> No Biggie Mrs Fifi.., I do Think I'm Not Cut Out to be on the List. and
> true Its great to look on those 10 maestros and their state of the art works
> (Plus Mr Eka Suwendana And Oentoeng The Bare-hand Style Master.,) well i
> myselves prefer to admires and look up to them along with the rest of the
> guys here than have myselves stood at the podium with the all-too-good noble
> ones which i keen to say i am not good enough to be on the same league as
> them...
> ^_^ Cheers...
> On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 11:58 PM, fifi young <>wrote:
>> Hi Kang Ocoy,
>> I didn't know that Bagus Putra Perdana is Kang Ocoy - a person/FA which
>> Mbah always looking for...
>> I personally admired you so much, because every article that you wrote,
>> gave me a cool breeze...sort of free lectures without going to college, and
>> free of charge. I really appreciate that.
>> But due to lack of the frequency of your  posting, your name wasn't really
>> embedded in my memory when spontaneous writing for that posting occured.
>> My judgment were based on the frequency of one's posting, but that doesn't
>> mean that I have neglected or ignored those who really considered to be the
>> best.
>> Please accept my apology for being unaware.
>> And please don't take it seriously cause this is only my personal judgment
>> as I am only less than 2 years (15 months) in OB. Too embarrassing also to
>> let you know that I don't know Eka Suwendana...
>> Your credibility is unquestionable, absolutely respectable...
>> I can count on it.
>> On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Bagus Putra Perdana <
>>> wrote:
>>> the 10 Person List Is Very Cool., dengan exception bahwa saya berpendapat
>>> Pak Oen dan Pak Eka Suwendana adalah truly "the real deal" dan secara
>>> personal selalu respek dan nunggu komen2 mereka.
>>> i'm not cut out to be listed on the list. not a single scratch worthy
>>> enough to have my name on the wanted-list. just a bystander, stand aside
>>> equal to the rest of all the buddies here. nothing more and nothing less.
>>> waiting, and learning from all of the great man (and women) here.
>>> terima kasih Pak JT atas kritiknya. dan mungkin maaf kalo suka bikin
>>> bingung en susah dimengerti. bikin bingungnya itu tanda bahwa ilmu dan
>>> knowledge saya masih rendah dan belun matang dibandingin sama temen2 dan
>>> senior2 semua disini. thanks, as Einstein Once Said ; "Any intelligent
>>> fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius -
>>> and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction."
>>> fortunately i'm lacking both of the ingredients. the touch of genius
>>> factor, and the courage to simplify things., so, pardon well my stupidity
>>> ladies nad gentlemans...
>>> cheers (cool to have you all around here..)
>>> On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 9:57 PM, JT™ <> wrote:
>>>> Yes, kalo bicara FA, Kang Ocoy mah 'Top Gun' lah..., tapi ane mau
>>>> komplain dikit nih Kang.., kalo bisa penyampaiannya pake bahasa yg mudah di
>>>> mengerti dong Kang.., sayang pan analisa kelas satu tapi ngga ketelen sama
>>>> newbie kayak ane...
>>>> “ Trade By Rules, Not HOPE “
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From: * "arsenal ruffinen" <>
>>>> *Date: *Tue, 22 Dec 2009 14:47:46 +0000
>>>> *To: *<>
>>>> *Subject: *Re: [ob] 10 Most Wanted Person in OB...
>>>> I think kang ocoy can be one of the most wanted person in OB. His
>>>> fundamental analysis very tremendeous
>>>> Powered by aRSeNal BlackBerry®insyaallah nyambung terussssss!
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From: * fifi young <>
>>>> *Date: *Tue, 22 Dec 2009 19:10:44 +0700
>>>> *To: *<>
>>>> *Subject: *[ob] 10 Most Wanted Person in OB...
>>>> 10 *MOST WANTED* person in OB:
>>>> 1.     *Mbah ** *            : his *passion*, his *wisdom*, his *
>>>> accuracy*, his power to establish the most powerful mail-lists ever
>>>> exist. And yet… he remains a secret to everyone.
>>>> 2.     *JT** *                    : Raja Copet…there’s no other title
>>>> better than this one for him. He is sneaky in terms of stealing BD’s money,
>>>> ooops…stocks trader, I mean; and he has such a *tremendous power* to
>>>> move his followers…when he’s on air, *you bet* everyone is watching
>>>> with pounding heart beats…
>>>> 3.    *Elaine**  *            : Even though she’s off the air right
>>>> now, but for what she has contributed to OB, her superpower to maneuver all
>>>> of her followers, makes her indeed to be the *QUEEN of OB*. Please come
>>>> home, Sweetie…
>>>> 4.    *DE** *                   : his wisdom, precise analysis,
>>>> sometimes too stingy to give his clues… but he’s a funny guy with *high
>>>> sense of humor*; he’s the Jay Leno of OB. A “LAUGH” medicine
>>>> psychiatrist that doesn’t give you any prescription to laugh until you’re
>>>> wet…
>>>> 5.    *Tasrul ** *            : a low profile, doesn’t say much but he
>>>> could give you the best technical analysis amongst all the best.
>>>> 6.    *Hans** *               : another low profile, a very
>>>> trust-worthy individual, empowered with technical analysis, someone you can
>>>> count on…
>>>> 7.    *A9*                    : used to be the General of his armies,
>>>> tremendous impact has also created overwhelmingly joyfulness. But his
>>>> mission wasn’t accomplished to the last frontier, and left his soldiers
>>>> stranded in nowhere land. Please restructure your battalions, General…!
>>>> 8.    *Billy the Kid** *   : this amazing kid, a rising star, blends
>>>> well with all the senior citizen; expect to be the most outstanding 
>>>> analysis
>>>> for years to come…
>>>> 9.    *Boyz*                : a hidden treasure to be explore, maybe
>>>> he’s a little too shy so that he keeps his wisdom under the closet; but 
>>>> he's
>>>> so active when Elaine was on air...  He also possesses high sense of humor.
>>>> Together with the other two senior, they make a good trio kwek kwek…
>>>> 10.***G-Man*             : Wow…! Undeniably that he brings colors to
>>>> OB. A fun and fearless Preman, just name it: BK, Ratu Sima, Rojak… none of
>>>> them can overcome his attacks… his clever and fierce emotions, entitles him
>>>> to be one of the most wanted persons in OB. I can't wait to see him get on
>>>> the ring versus Rojak... hihi...
>>>> Honestly, there are so much interesting persons in OB...
>>>> OB is my second home, I can't live without you now... ayaya.....
>>> --
>>> Each piece, or part, of the whole nature is always an approximation to
>>> the complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know it. In fact,
>>> everything we know is only some kind of approximation, because we know that
>>> we do not know all the laws as yet. Therefore, things must be learned only
>>> to be unlearned again or, more likely, to be corrected.......The test of all
>>> knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific “truth”.
>>> - Richard Feynman
> --
> Each piece, or part, of the whole nature is always an approximation to the
> complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know it. In fact,
> everything we know is only some kind of approximation, because we know that
> we do not know all the laws as yet. Therefore, things must be learned only
> to be unlearned again or, more likely, to be corrected.......The test of all
> knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific “truth”.
> - Richard Feynman

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