
-----Original Message-----
From: "-Candra Wu" <wu_can...@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2010 22:51:00 
To: OB<obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: FW :Re: [ob] Fw: ADRO - The Rise of Envirocoal

Jumat, 08/01/2010 17:14 WIB

Harga Batubara Sentuh US$ 100/Ton, Saham BUMI Merajalela

Indro Bagus SU : detikFinance

detikcom - Jakarta, Harga komoditas batubara thermal di pasar spot telah 
menyentuh US$ 100 per ton. Saham PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) pun menjadi 
buruan investor selama perdagangan pekan pertama tahun 2010.

"Harga batubara thermal di pasar spot versi Global Newcastle telah mencapai US$ 
100 per ton, sedangkan cadangan batubara China menurun 24%, ini menguntungkan 
bagi BUMI," ujar SVP Investor Relations BUMI, Dileep Srivastava dalam 
penjelasannya kepada detikFinance, Jumat (8/1/2010).

Melonjaknya harga komoditas batubara di pasar spot dunia terutama didorong oleh 
kenaikan cepat harga minyak mentah yang kini sudah berada di atas level US$ 80 
per barel. Ini menyebabkan investor melakukan pembelian saham-saham 
pertambangan batubara.

Pada perdagangan hari ini, indeks saham tambang naik tajam sebesar 63,780 poin 
(2,71%) menembus level 2.409,813. Dan seperti biasa, saham PT Bumi Resources 
Tbk (BUMI) lagi-lagi menjadi pemimpin kenaikan harga saham-saham tambang.

Pada perdagangan hari ini, Jumat (8/1/2010), BUMI ditutup naik Rp 200 (7,4%) ke 
level Rp 2.900 dengan volume transaksi mencapai 799 juta saham senilai Rp 2,288 
triliun. Aktivitas transaksi saham BUMI ramai sejak perdagangan hari kedua di 

Pada penutupan perdagangan perdana, Senin (4/1/2010), BUMI masih berada di 
level Rp 2.425 per saham. Mendadak sejak perdagangan hari kedua hingga 
perdagangan hari kelima, harga saham BUMI terus menanjak seiring dengan 
melonjaknya harga komoditas batubara di pasar spot dunia.

Jika dibandingkan dengan hari ini, maka dalam 4 hari perdagangan, harga saham 
BUMI telah mengalami kenaikan sebesar Rp 475 (19,58%). Investor-investor asing 
pun tak henti-hentinya membeli saham BUMI selama 4 hari terakhir.

Nilai transaksi BUMI selama 4 hari terakhir (5-8 Januari 2010) mencapai Rp 
6,453 triliun. Nilai tersebut setara dengan 31,66% dari total nilai transaksi 
di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) selama periode yang sama sebesar Rp 20,376 

Nilai transaksi beli bersih asing (foreign net buy) di seluruh pasar selama 
periode 5-8 Januari 2010 mencapai Rp 1,937 triliun. Sedangkan net buy asing 
atas saham BUMI selama 4 hari terakhir mencapai Rp 1,429 triliun.

Itu berarti, posisi net buy asing di saham BUMI menguasai 73,77% dari net buy 
asing di BEI selama 4 hari terakhir.

Broker-broker berbendera asing juga terus menerus melakukan pembelian saham 
BUMI. Selama 4 hari terakhir, 6 broker berbendera asing telah melakukan 
pembelian bersih (net buy) atas saham BUMI sebanyak 1,5 juta lot atau sekitar 
750,6 juta saham BUMI. 

Angka tersebut setara dengan 3,86% dari total saham beredar BUMI sebanyak 
19,404 miliar saham. Total nilai pembelian bersih 6 broker tersebut sebesar Rp 
2,052 triliun dalam 4 hari perdagangan.

PT CLSA Indonesia (KZ) membeli bersih sebanyak 394.974 lot senilai Rp 550,084 
miliar. PT Credit Suisse Securities Indonesia (CS) membeli bersih sebanyak 
273.386 lot senilai Rp 377,409 miliar. PT Kim Eng Securities (ZP) membeli 
bersih sebanyak 269.106 lot senilai Rp 359,705 miliar.

PT Macquarie Capital Securities Indonesia (RX) membeli bersih sebanyak 267.388 
lot senilai Rp 356,165 miliar. PT JP Morgan Securities Indonesia (BK) membeli 
bersih sebanyak 161.366 lot senilai Rp 214,152 miliar. Terakhir yang baru masuk 
hari ini, PT RBS Asia Securities Indonesia (HG) membeli bersih sebanyak 134.993 
lot senilai Rp 194,690 miliar.

Perburuan masif atas saham BUMI diperkirakan berkaitan dengan naiknya harga 
rata-rata batubara di pasar spot dan tuntasnya masalah pajak senilai Rp 2,1 
triliun sebagaimana ditudingkan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. 

BUMI telah melakukan pembayaran tambahan pajak PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) dan 
PT Arutmin Indonesia, masing-masing senilai US$ 119,807 juta dan US$ 92,840 
juta. Totalnya sekitar US$ 212,647 juta (Rp 2,1 triliun).

-----Original Message-----
From: "-Candra Wu" <wu_can...@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2010 22:46:32 
To: OB<obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: FW :Re: [ob] Fw: ADRO - The Rise of Envirocoal

Anything is possible 

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 9:50 PM, B_ND <nyaham.d...@gmail.com 
<mailto:nyaham.d...@gmail.com> > wrote:
Bisa jadi PTBA ke-2 nya pak Rei nih!!


On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 10:28 PM, <highwaysta...@gmail.com 
<mailto:highwaysta...@gmail.com> > wrote:

Sent from my computer of course!

From:  dani...@aaasecurities.com <mailto:dani...@aaasecurities.com> 
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2010 09:37:06 +0000
Subject: Fw: ADRO - The Rise of Envirocoal

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

From:  "Herman Koeswanto" <herman.koeswa...@aaasecurities.com 
<mailto:herman.koeswa...@aaasecurities.com> > 
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2010 16:18:04 +0700
To: Herman Koeswanto<herman.koeswa...@aaasecurities.com 
<mailto:herman.koeswa...@aaasecurities.com> >
Subject: FW: ADRO - The Rise of Envirocoal 

Herman Koeswanto 
- Research Division - 
PT Andalan Artha Advisindo Sekuritas 
Artha Graha Building 26th Floor 
Jl. Jendr. Sudirman Kav 52 - 53 
Phone +6221 5152640 
From: Ciptadana Research [mailto:ciptadanaresea...@ciptadana.com 
<mailto:ciptadanaresea...@ciptadana.com> ] 
 Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 2:42 PM
 Subject: KI : ADRO - The Rise of Envirocoal 
PT Adaro Energy 
The Rise of Envirocoal 
We are initiating our coverage on PT Adaro Energy (Adaro, JCI code: ADRO) with 
a BUY recommendation at TP of Rp 2,450/share. Adaro is currently Indonesia’s 
second largest thermal coal producer, operating the largest single coal mine in 
Indonesia, and one of the lowest cost coal producer in the world. Last year, 
the company was able to re-price their legacy contracts, thus, average selling 
price jumped significantly y-o-y—supporting FY09 performance. While 2009’s 
performance is driven by price increase, we believe sales volume will drive 
Adaro’s performance in 2010 and going forward. As power sector’s appetite 
for Envirocoal is growing, the company is expanding to boost production by 
77.8% in five-years to 80Mt. Using DCF valuation with 11.0% WACC and 3.0% 
growth rate, we come up with a 12-month target price of Rp 2,450/share. 
Currently trading at Rp 1,840/share, our target price provides a 33.2% upside. 
Increasing demand for Envirocoal 
With only one mine in operation, Adaro’s business model is very simple as 
they only have one product—i.e. Envirocoal. Envirocoal is one of the cleanest 
fossil fuels in the world. It has ultra low sulphur, ash and nitrogen contents. 
Today, the demand for Envirocoal is growing as people’s concern about 
environmental issues towards coal usage emerged. Envirocoal can be used 
especially where environmental restrictions are strictly controlled or as 
blending agents for coals with high ash and sulphur. With the unique qualities 
of Envirocoal, it become the most environmentally acceptable and cost effective 
solid fuel available. 
Possible winner of BHP Billiton’s coal mine in Maruwai 
Recent media reported that Adaro has been chosen by BHP Billiton as their 
strategic partner in running its coal mine in Maruwai, Central Kalimantan. The 
news has not been confirmed with BHP, however, it is suspected that Adaro is 
BHP’s main option for technical and strategic reasons as Adaro’s mine 
location is close Maruwai. Official announcement from BHP is expected in the 
near future. Acquiring 25% of Maruwai coal mine will be a positive catalyst for 
the share price. 
Target Price: Rp 2,450/share, BUY 
With 3.5 bn tones of coal resources and 38.5Mt of coal production in 2008, 
Adaro is the second largest thermal coal producer in Indonesia. Aside from 
trying to boost production, going forward Adaro is planning to build a mine 
mouth power plant and an overland conveyor to lower costs. At our target price, 
Adaro’s P/E 2010 and 2011 is 21.6x and 13.2x, respectively. Currently-at 3.1x 
P/BV 2010-the company is trading with one of the lowest P/BV compared to its 
Indonesian peers. Risks to our valuation include the volatility of 
International coal prices, the ability of the company to obtain high selling 
price, timely completion of on-going projects and the weather as it affects 
operational performance. 

 Research Department
 PT Ciptadana Securities
 Plaza ASIA Office Park Unit 2
 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.59
 Jakarta 12190
 Phone : 62-21 2557 4920
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Sent from my coal-powered phone.


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